Master thesis project "Measuring Gender Inequalities of German Professions on Wikipedia"
Wikipedia is a community-created online encyclopedia; arguably, it is the most popular and largest knowledge resource on the Internet. Thus, reliability and neutrality are of high importance for Wikipedia. Previous research [3] reveals gender bias in Google search results for many professions and occupations. Also, Wikipedia was criticized for existing gender bias in biographies [4] and gender gap in the editor community [5, 6]. Thus, one could expect that gender bias related to professions and occupations may be present in Wikipedia. The term gender bias is used here in the sense of conscious or unconscious favoritism towards one gender over another [47] with respect to professions and occupations. The objective of this work is to identify and assess gender bias. To this end, the German Wikipedia articles about professions and occupations were analyzed on three dimensions: redirections, images, and people mentioned in the articles. This work provides evidence for systematic overrepresentation of men in all three dimensions; female bias is only present for a few professions.
Supervised by: Claudia Wagner, Fabian Flöck
Olga Zagovora, Fabian Flöck, and Claudia Wagner. 2017. "(Weitergeleitet von Journalistin)": The Gendered Presentation of Professions on Wikipedia. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Web Science Conference (WebSci '17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 83-92. DOI: Download preprint
Olga Zagovora olga.zagovora (at) gesis (dot) org
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Developed at Computational Social Science department of GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Cologne (Germany) and WeST Institute for Web Science and Technologies of the University of Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz (Germany).