This folder contains
- An experiment table, that contens results of a sample of simulations
- A MP_table, that indicates how personality influences in emotions
- A UML of source code, demonstrating the source code construction for model generation
- The graduation thesis text, where the model was proposed
- And the source code as a java project
The source code contains 8 classes, being:
- Ocean, where the necessary structure for the personality model is created
- Occ, where the necessary structure for the emotion model is created
- OCEANxOCC, where the MP are set
- Mercadoria (merchandise), where the merchandise quantity is set
- ModeloTroca (ChangeModel), here are created the functions that make possible to make exchanges between agents
- Agente (Agent), Where agents are defined, initialized with their personalities and who will feel emotions and will suffer changes in personality weights
- Emoções (Emotions), here is chosen an emotion for the agent
- AtualizaOcean (UpdatesOCEAN), here is update the personality weights for the agent
And the Main (MAS_OCC_OCEAN), where the parameters are set, such as number of executions, maximum number of days, quantity of agents, biological agent personality and environmental parameters.