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CV Wonder

CV Wonder is a tool that allows you to create a CV in a few minutes. It allows you to massively generate CVs, base on a theme, for thousands of people in a few seconds without friction. The Theme system allows you to use community themes and create your own for your purposes.

Don't waste any more time formatting your CV, let CV Wonder do it for you and just focus on the content.


Getting started

  1. Download the latest release from the releases page OR in your terminal.
apt install curl jq

DISTRIBUTION=linux   # linux, darwin, windows
CPU_ARCH=amd64       # amd64, arm64, i386

VERSION=$(curl -s "" | jq -r '.tag_name')
curl -L -o cvwonder "${VERSION}/cvwonder_${DISTRIBUTION}_${CPU_ARCH}"
chmod +x cvwonder
sudo mv cvwonder /usr/local/bin/
  1. Write your CV in a YAML file
# i.e. cv.yml
vim cv.yml
  1. Generate your CV using the following command:
cvwonder themes install
cvwonder generate --input=cv.yml --output=generated/ --theme=default

Generate your CV

Generate your CV in HTML format:

cvwonder generate
# cvwonder generate --input=cv.yml --output=generated/ --theme=default

Serve your CV

Serve your CV on a local server to preview it in your browser:

cvwonder serve
# cvwonder serve --input=cv.yml --output=generated/ --theme=default

Watch for changes

Enable the watcher to automatically generate your CV when any involved file is modified:

  • themes/<theme-name>/index.html: The main template of the theme
  • <input-cv>.yml: Your CV in YAML format
cvwonder serve -w
# cvwonder serve --input=cv.yml --output=generated/ --theme=default --watch



The default theme is a simple theme to help you get started. It includes:

  • Simple design
  • Printable version of your CV
  • Web version of your CV
  • Github stars and forks count of your side projects
  • Graphical bar level for you Tech Skills
  • Logo of your companies and schools

Theme Functions

Theme templating is based on template/html package from Go. It is a simple and basic templating engine without any flourish stuff.

To allow basic string manipulation, here are the functions available in the templates:

  • dec - Decrement a number
  • replace - Replace a substring by another
  • join - Join a list of strings with a separator
Function Description Example Result
dec Decrement a number {{ dec 2 }} 1
replace Replace a substring by another {{ replace "Hello World" "World" "Universe" }} Hello Universe
join Join a list of strings with a separator {{ join ["one", "two", "three"] ", " }} one, two, three


CV Wonder is also available as a Docker image on Docker Hub.

docker run -v $(pwd):/cv germainlefebvre4/cvwonder:latest generate --input=cv.yml --output=generated/ --theme=default



go run ./cmd/cvwonder/main.go --input=cv.yml --output=generated/ --theme=default 
# make run


go build -o cvwonder ./cmd/cvwonder/main.go
# make build


go test -v ./...
# make test


A .vscode/launch.json file is provided to help you debug the application.