Store C++ class data in a file and manipulate it programmatically or using SmallSQL(included)
Linux 64 bits (tested on Ubuntu), g++-14, version 14.2.0 compiler, GNU Readline library (installed automatically), 'sudo' for user running the install. Follow the link for Windows version
To install and build the framework and SmallSQL application clone the project go to SYSCPPCP directory in a Bash shell and execute the ./build. You will be prompted to enter your password for sudo to install the GNU Readline library. The build will take about five minutes This process will build a framework based on the sample templates from \SYSCPPCP\SYSCPPCPcodeGenrtators\templates . When you develop your application you will create a set of templates defining the classes in your application, build the framework and add code specific to your application. More on this later.
The best way to familiarize yourself with the framework is to execute the sample applications. In Windows Explorer go to \SYSCPPCP\SYSCPPCPtest\QuickStart and start QuickStart.vcxproj Step through the code in debug mode. You should be able to get an understanding of what actions you can perform.
Next, open a command prompt or power shell window and go to SYSCPPCP\SmallSQL\releae and type smallsql ../../syscppcp.dat (./smallsql ../../syscppcp.dat for PS)
You should get a SmallSQL prompt
Type cls to clean the screen
Type SmallSQL> select classes from dual
This is a list the classes created during build based on the sample templates. For each class a header \SYSCPPCP\SYSCPPCPheaders, a source file in \SYSCPPCP\SYSCPPCPSource, a project file in \SYSCPPCP\SYSCPPCPvcxproj and a static library in \SYSCPPCP\SYSCPPCPlibs. You will need them to build your application. Type SmallSQL> desc Customer
enum Type
struct Name
char First[20];
char Last [20];
int ID;
Name name;
char Address1 [41];
char Address2 [21];
char City [21];
char State [3];
char Zip [6];
Type type ;
You will get the data members of the class - Variables(columns) - an enumeration and structure declarations used to declare the variables 'type' and 'name'.
Try SmallSQL> select * from Cat
You will get a listing of all records of type Cat stored (serialized) to the database. The database file is \SYSCPPCP\syscppcp.dat.
SmallSQL> select name.First, name.Last from customer
Syntax Error: Table 'customer' does not exist.
You get an error because class (table) names and variable(columns) names are case sensitive.
The correct statement is
select name.First, name.Last from Customer
Notice that the column names are variable names as you would use them in a program.
name is declared as a structure
Name {
char First[20;
char Last [20];
You can also try
select name.First, name.Last from Customer where State = NY and City = "New York"
Notice that only strings containing spaces need to be enclosed in quotes. For numbers and enumerations, no quotes or transformations are needed.
A few more rules,
- Only one class(table) can be used in a query
- Maximum of five where clauses.
- Except for arrays of char, no arrays can be used in a query
- For enumerations you have to use the item name not the associated integer value
- You are not allowed to change the class variables declarations
More examples
SmallSQL> update Customer set name.First = "Milton", name.Last = "Gimbles" where ID = 4597
SmallSQL> delete from Customer where type = OneTime
To exit type bye or exit
Note: In your applications, as long as you don't change the generated code, you can declare other variables and functions. The newly declared variables will not be stored in the database.
If you need more help read the tutorials. You can also email me at [email protected]