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Core Plugins

Jeremiah K edited this page Nov 24, 2024 · 2 revisions

M<>M Relay supports a plugin system to expand its capabilities.

Core plugins:

Plugin Command Matrix Support Radio Support Description
ping !ping yes yes Check connectivity with the relay
health !health yes no Show mesh health like avg battery, SNR, Air Util
weather !weather no yes Show weather forecast for a radio node using GPS location
telemetry !batteryLevel yes no Graph of avg Mesh battery level for last 12 hours
telemetry !voltage yes no Graph of avg Mesh battery voltage for last 12 hours
telemetry !airUtilTx yes no Graph of avg Mesh airUtilTx for last 12 hours
mesh_relay yes yes Relays radio packets between a Mesh and a Matrix room
map !map yes no Map of mesh radio nodes. Supports zoom and size to customize

Note: As of 11/24/24 the map_plugin needs maintenance before it is functional again, also the mesh_relay plugin is experimental and needs more work before its operational.

How to enable a plugin

In order to use a plugin it must be added to the plugins section of the configuration file config.yaml file and given an active:true value.

For example, to enable the Ping plugin ensure the following is set in the configuration file:

    active: true

When a plugin is activated they appear in the startup logs. The map, ping and weather plugins are loaded in the following example,

2023-05-13 23:20:51 -0400 INFO:Meshtastic:Connecting to host meshtastic.local ...
2023-05-13 23:20:54 -0400 INFO:Plugins:Loaded map
2023-05-13 23:20:54 -0400 INFO:Plugins:Loaded ping
2023-05-13 23:20:54 -0400 INFO:Plugins:Loaded weather
2023-05-13 23:20:54 -0400 INFO:Matrix:Connecting ...

How to use plugin commands

A plugin is called by sending its command to the M<>M Relay bot.

For example to call the map plugin of the Meshtastic Bot message it !map:


Map plugin

The Map plugin displays mesh radio nodes on a world map. Node locations are randomly placed up to 10km away from their actual location in order to hide their true location. By default the generated map has size width=1000px and height=1000px. It has a zoom value of 8. Lower zoom values show less detail and more of the Earth.

Here are some examples of how to use the plugin:

  • !map: Shows the radio nodes on a world map with a zoom of 8 default size of width=1000px height=1000px
  • !map size=800,900: Shows the radio nodes on a world map of size width=800px height=900px
  • !map zoom=5 size=800,900: Shows the radio nodes on a world map zoomed out. It has size width=800px height=900px

We also encourage users to contribute their own plugins to the project through our new (Community Plugins)[] framework.