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This is a temporary packaged-up version of the Gemini ITC server with the subset of the library jars required to implement just the JSON endpoint. We can deploy this to Heroku and make it available externally.

Setting Up

First, build the ITC in your ocs codebase.

> project app_itc
> ocsDist Test

Now run, passing the generated bundle directory. Something like

$ ./ ../ocs/app/itc/target/itc/2016A-test.1.1.1/Test/itc/bundle/
🔸 Reading from /Users/rnorris/Scala/ocs/app/itc/target/itc/2016A-test.1.1.1/Test/itc/bundle
🔸 Writing to   /Users/rnorris/Scala/itc-server/lib
🔸 Removing old library bundles.
🔸 Copying bundles.

This will copy the necessary jars into the local lib/ directory. This directory is ignored by Git and is not part of the repository.


Once you're set up you can run locally with sbt run. There is a sample request in data.json so if you're in the project root you can say:

curl http://localhost:8080/json -d @data.json

and get back a response like

  "ItcSpectroscopyResult" : {
    "ccds" : [
        "wellDepth" : 125000.0,
        "peakPixelFlux" : 0.03607547711165799,
        "warnings" : [],
        "singleSNRatio" : 4.6417881419574975E-194,
        "totalSNRatio" : 7.339311472273343E-194,
        "ampGain" : 5.11
    "chartGroups" : []

It may so happen that different inputs will ened up traversing into code that's not in the lib/ directory so if that happens we just need to add missing jarfile to the update script.


To deploy you need to first be logged into Heroku. So

heroku login

We need to push a relatively large amount of jar files (Around 240mb) which cannot be stored in github due to its size Thus we have a deploy and then

heroku container:login

You probably only need to do this once, I don't know. Anyway you can then build the app with

sbt docker:publish

which will build and upload the web image to the Docker registry for the gemini-new-itc. To deploy this new version you say

heroku container:release -a gemini-new-itc web

To watch the logs you can say

heroku logs -a gemini-new-itc -t

The endpoint for the Heroku app is