FRAM provides access to a single board from a remote location:
- Board control
- Power
- Reset
- Optional accessory switch
- Optional wake-up key and/or Wake-on-LAN
- Board monitoring
- Serial console
- Power consumption
- Board management
- Kernel and DTB upload
- Automatic board user environment setup
- Multi-User access locking
- Restricted administration mode
- Board control
FRAM needs no special tools on the client, just ssh and rsync
ssh <board>@<remote> <command> ...
FRAM provides a convenience wrapper, to simplify access to remote boards in multiple farms:
fram <nickname> <command> ...
FRAM can be made to work with any backend that you use to control your board farm.
FRAM has a builtin help command.
Each development board has its own UNIX user (cfr. Android apps).
Authentication is provided by SSH
should contain only lines of the form:restrict,pty,command="/path/to/fram-server $user" ssh-rsa $key $keyid
Separation between remote access and board farm infrastructure: Actual board control operations are performed by shell functions, scripts, and/or external tools, to be provided by you.
KISS, easy to review for correctness and security.
Simple configuration file