If you want to Use Azure Queue Sotrage
Event Models
Used to type and customise your messagesEvent Handlers
Used to execute your own code
Configure Queues
Put your queue configuration in your appsettings
"Event": {
"Providers": {
"Azure": {
"Type": "AzureStorage",
"ConnectionStringName": "Here Put the name of you azure Storage Connection string"
"AnotherAzure": {
"Type": "AzureStorage2",
"ConnectionString": "Here Put your azure Storage Connection string"
"Memory": {
"Type": "InMemory"
"Queues": {
"myFisrtQueueName": {
"ProviderName": "Azure"
"MySecondQueue": {
"ProviderName": "Memory"
At the moment only 2 providers are aviriables InMemory and AzureStorage
You can configure only one of them, both or use 2 seperate configuration of the same provider type
For azure Storage Provider you can specify the connections string name
If you put the connection string in the connections strings sections in your appsettings.json
Or You can use the attribute "ConnectionString" if you want directly add the connection string
First, You need to implement a new EventBase Class wich inherited "GeekLearning.Events.Model.EventBase"
namespace MyProject.NameSpace
using GeekLearning.Events.Model;
public abstract class MyEventBase : EventBase
//Your Properties
Then Create a specific class for each queues
you are using
public class MyFisrtTypedEvent : MyEventBase
//Your custom properties
public class MyHandler : IEventHandler<MyFirstTypedEvent> {
public async Task ExecuteAsync(MyFirstTypedEvent event){
//Your code will be execute HERE
Your handler must implements the "IEventHandler"
And Your Class must contains the ExecuteAsync function
public class MyjobReceiver
private readonly IEventReceiver eventReceiver;
public MyJobReceiver(IEventReceiver eventReceiver)
this.eventReceiver = eventReceiver;
public async Task ProcessQueueMessageAsync([QueueTrigger("YourQueueNameHere")] MyFirstTypedEvent message)
this.telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"{nameof(ReportingNotificationEmailEvent)} Raised !");
await this.eventReceiver.ReceiveAsync(message);
You'll need to Inject an IEventReceiver instance to your Class
The ReceiveAsync methode will give your message to the correct handler
You have to make a Class for each queue
you are using
Don't Forget to add to your container/DI framwork the event receiver, the eventFactory And the provider you are using
Use these functions :
//You need to give your root configuration to this functionAddInMemoryQueue()
//If you're using the InMemory ProviderAddAzureStorageQueue()
//If you're using AzureQueueStorage Provider
You need to get an instance of IEventFactory from your DI framwork On this object you can use the following function in order to get the Queuer you need :
On this new object you can finaly use the function :