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Gaston Dombiak edited this page Jan 5, 2021 · 24 revisions

We will try to answer common questions and issues here in this FAQ.

Problems adding new printers

Read this guide

What happens when I tap on Connect or Disconnect buttons?

Pressing on these buttons will cause OctoPrint to connect to the printer or disconnect from the printer. If you are printing from OctoPrint then disconnecting will terminate your print. If you connect mid print and you are using an 8 bit board then the print will also be aborted since connecting will reboot the 8bit board of your printer. In OctoPod you can go to Settings -> Prompt to enable/disable confirmation dialogs when you press these buttons

How do I set temperature of extruders, bed or heated chamber?

OctoPod reads OctoPrint's configuration to discover your preferred temperatures. To set temperatures, go to the Panel window and under Printer Status you will see a pencil icon. Click on this icon to set desired temperatures.

Can I change default temperature for extruders and bed?

Yes. You need to go to OctoPrint Settings -> Temperatures and change presets. OctoPod will use render these temperatures in the dialog to set temperature of extruders or the bed.

How do I see historic temperatures chart, custom control and system commands?

On the main Panel window you can swipe to the right or left at the bottom to access more functionalities. Temp charts, Palette 2 control, PSU control, TPLink/Wemos/Tasmota/etc plugs, Enclosure plugin outles, custom controls and system commands are just a few examples.

How do I see current layer and get notifications when reached certain layers?

OctoPod supports a big number of OctoPrint plugins. Install DisplayLayerProgress plugin to see current height and layer. Install OctoPod plugin to be able to specify layers of the current running print job that you want to be alerted to your iPhone/iPad/Apple Watch.

How do I use use the new iOS 14 widgets?

Watch this YouTube video to learn how to add and configure your iOS 14 widgets. Remember that you will have to edit the widget to select the camera you want to use. You can add multiple widgets to monitor each one of your printers or your cameras.

How do I use my Apple TV to monitor and control my printers?

OctoPod has support for multiple printers and multiple cameras. iOS app and Apple Watch app lets you monitor and control one printer at a time. There is now a new Apple TV version of OctoPod where you can see multiple printers at a time and control them. Once you installed the iOS app and configured its printers, go to your Apple TV to install the app (if not already installed). List of printers will automatically appear. Make sure that both your iOS device and Apple TV share the same iCloud account. This is how printers information is automatically synchronized between devices.

How do I flip OctoPrint's cameras?

Just like with many other features, OctoPod automatically reads OctoPrint's configuration and applies same settings to the app. To flip OctoPrint's camera, you have to log into OctoPrint and go to settings -> webcam. Check on the desired flip setting and once saved you will see OctoPod automatically flipping the camera.

How do I use OctoPod with multiple cameras?

Install the MultiCam plugin in OctoPrint and configure the URL of the cameras in OctoPrint. OctoPod will be automatically updated and display the configured cameras. OctoPod can only render MJPEG so make sure that you are streaming using MJPEG.

It is not recommended to connect more than 1 camera to the RPi that runs OctoPrint since that may affect OctoPrint's operation and your print. Instead plug your other cameras to other RPis or other computers (or just use an IP camera). I like using motionEyeOS.

How do I use Siri to control my printer or Palette 2?

See Siri integration to learn how to use Siri to control OctoPrint and your printer.

How can I get immediate notifications when print is finished or other important events?

Besides the iOS OctoPod app, you have the Apple Watch app and also an OctoPod plugin for OctoPrint. When you install the OctoPod plugin for OctoPrint you will receive notifications to your iPhone/iPad/Apple Watch when your print is finished including a camera snapshot. These are other important events you can receive:

  1. Print finished (includes camera snapshot) or at specific progress percentages
  2. Print reached specified layers (requires DisplayLayerProgress plugin)
  3. Bed warmed up to target temp for a period of time. Helps get smooth first layers
  4. Bed cooled down below specified threshold. Ideal to easily remove prints from bed
  5. Extruder cooled down below specified threshold. Ideal to know when to turn printer off
  6. Printer paused for user. This may happen when running out of filament or when doing manual multi color printing (M600)
  7. Palette 2 / Pro encountered a problem while printing
  8. MMU requires user assistance (requires Prusa firmware)
  9. Firmware errors. Get security alerts like thermal runaway, probing failed, min temp error, max temp error, etc.

If OctoPrint plugin is not installed then OctoPod relies on background refresh to send notifications which may have a few minutes or even hours of delay. Of course it requires to have background refresh enabled in your iOS device.

Is it possible to monitor my prints while not at home?

Yes, it is possible though the setup is more involved. See Using OpenVPN for Remote Access for more information.

How do I use PSU Control or TPLink Smartplug features?

You need to install PSU Control plugin or TPLink Smartplug plugin to enable these features. Configure things in OctoPrint's admin console. OctoPod will automatically detect that the plugin is installed and read its configuration. Go to the main Panel in the app and swipe the bottom panel. You should see new panels appearing as you install these plugins. You can then turn things on and off from the app.

For plugs to appear in the app, make sure to complete the IP and the label in the TPLink Smartplug plugin.

Which OctoPrint plugins are supported?

Go to Supported Plugins to see the growing list of plugins that can make your experience even better.

Navigation bar hidden pearls

Tap on the navigation bar to open dashboard of printers. Swipe down on navigation bar to force checking for plugin or OctoPrint updates. Swipe left or right to switch between printers.