Make your customized ubuntu/debian distribution for any target.
Depends on following ubuntu package : realpath whois qemu-kvm-extras-static squashfs-tools extlinux mbr
This script build custom Ubuntu/Debian distributions.
./make-deb-distro [-a <action>] [OPTIONS]
(-a|--action) <action> Action : install or uninstall.
(-b|--target-device) <device> Target device
(-c|--configuration) <file> Configuration file
(-d|--target-dir) <path> Bootstrap path
(-e|--excluded-packages) "<excluded-packages>" Packages to exclude from bootstrap process. List must be quoted.
(-f|--only-rootfs) Build rootfs only
(-h|--help) Display this help message
(-n|--distro-version) <distro-name> Debian/Ubuntu distribution name (same as host by default).
(-o|--deb-packages) "<deb-packages>" Local .deb packages. List must be quoted.
(-p|--packages) "<packages>" Distro packages to use. List must be quoted.
(--script-rootfs) <script> Launch your script after rootfs is created and all package installed.
(--script-prepare) <script> Launch your script to prepare the target device.
(/usr/share/make-deb-distro/scripts/profiles/default/ by default)
(--script-burn) <script> Launch your script to burn rootfs on target device.
(/usr/share/make-deb-distro/scripts/profiles/default/ by default)
(-t|--target) <target> Target achitecture (same as host by default).
(-v|--verbose) Verbose mode