> git clone git://github.com/gdagley/basejumper.git my_app_name
> cd my_app_name
> ruby rename.rb my_app_name
> gem install bundler
> bundle install
> rake db:migrate
> rake db:test:prepare
> bundle exec guard
The app is setup to separate the web application (HTML) from the API (JSON). You will find the API controllers in the app/controllers/api
which have their own sessions and registration controllers.
- pry - http://pryrepl.org/
- letters - http://lettersrb.com/
- better_errors - https://github.com/charliesome/better_errors
- rails_footnotes - https://github.com/josevalim/rails-footnotes
- rails_panel - https://github.com/dejan/rails_panel
- rspec
- cucumber
- factory_girl
- faker
- guard
- simplecov
- rails_best_practices
To run the analysis:
> rake analyzer:all
You should be able to deploy to Heroku using heroku-san. The staging, demo, and production configurations can be found in config/heroku.yml
The original scaffold for this application was created by App Scrolls.
scrolls new BaseJumper -s guard jquery rails_admin rails_basics rspec cucumber capybara simple_form sqlite3 twitter_bootstrap unicorn env_yaml
The project was created with the following scrolls:
- capybara
- cucumber
- env_yaml
- guard
- jquery
- rails_admin
- rails_basics
- rspec
- sqlite3
- twitter_bootstrap
- simple_form
- unicorn
Also added:
- cancan
- role_model