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IntRX (pronounced like "Interax") is a unique Twitch bot which allows viewers to directly interact with the streamer's game using chat commands. Several games are supported by default, such as Minecraft, Skyrim, Fallout 4, and Subnautica, but IntRX also allows its users to add support for any game they want with relative ease. Join our Discord to share custom scripts, or download scripts that others have shared!
IntRX is a local automation bot built to allow users of the online video game streaming service Twitch to provide a unique and exciting interactive experience for their viewers. It utilizes LUA-based automation software Autohotkey to interact directly with a user's computer, emulating keypresses, mouse clicks, and more. The intention is to allow a user to type a command into chat, for example "!bear", and IntRX intelligently processes that command to then actually spawn a bear in the streamer's game (By using console commands, cheat codes, etc), that they must now fight or otherwise deal with.
IntRX uses a totally unique user interface by utilizing spreadsheets that interact directly with the software. The script itself runs via Windows Commandline to reduce resource usage. However, the software automatically generates setting and configuration spreadsheets on first use, where users can then easily and seamlessly configure their own custom interaction commands for a wide selection of games.
In the same interaction command configuration file, there are a variety of callable functions directly from the document. Rather than relying on the bot supporting a specific game, users may create their own interaction through the bot's built in functions. For example, they might specify $PRESS P
and when that command is run, the bot will press the P key in the streamer's game. There are a wide selection of functions, as well as variables that dynamically substitute a value with the user-specified arguments or their username.
IntRX also includes built in integration for many popular games, so users can simply type a console command to execute rather than needing to use the versatile functions. It also includes detailed templates with documentation, so users can create more powerful Autohotkey scripts themselves if they choose.
IntRX currently has an estimated userbase of over 1000 streamers, and is growing rapidly. Support is provided in a live chat format via Discord.