The QDriverStation is a cross-platform and open-source alternative to the FRC Driver Station. It allows you to operate FRC robots with the major operating systems (Windows, Mac OSX and GNU/Linux). The QDriverStation is able to operate both 2009-2014 robots and 2015-2017 robots, support for 2020 robots is on the way.
The actual code that operates a FRC robot is found in a separate repository, which is written in C and can be used for your own projects or change it to support more communication protocols (such as ROS).
You can find the online documentation of the QDriverStation and its sub-projects here.
You can download the QDriverStation from GitHub.
Once you finish installing the software, you can launch it and begin driving your robot. Just be sure to input your team number and to verify that the joysticks are working correctly.
Mac users will be prompted to download an additional driver for Xbox 360 controllers to work.
For convenience, Linux releases are now handled with AppImages. To run the AppImage, simply download the latest release, make it executable and run it.
Terminal commands below:
cd Downloads
chmod +x QDriverStation*.AppImage
More info can be found here: https://appimage.org/.
If you are on Linux, the QDriverStation may detect some devices as a joystick (more info...). If that happens, just disable the faulty device by clicking on the power button next to its name.
The only requirement to compile the application is to have Qt installed in your system. The desktop application will compile with Qt 5.15 or greater.
- If you are using Linux, make sure that you have installed the following packages:
The project already contains the compiled SDL libraries for Windows and Mac.
This repository makes use of git submodule
. In order to clone it, you have two options:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/FRC-Utilities/QDriverStation/
Normal procedure:
git clone https://github.com/FRC-Utilities/QDriverStation/
cd QDriverStation
git submodule init
git submodule update
Once you have Qt installed, open QDriverStation.pro in Qt Creator and click the "Run" button.
Alternatively, you can also use the following commands:
- qmake
- make
- Optional: sudo make install
This application was created by Alex Spataru.
Of course, many people contributed in different ways to this project, you can find more details in the contributors list. Finally, we want to thank you for trying this little project, we sincerely hope that you enjoy our application and we would love some of your feedback.
This project is released under the MIT License. For more information, click here.