Given two java datetime stamps return a string that shows the differences in years, months, days, hour, minutes, seconds, milliseconds. You can pass in unit string arrays to accomidate different languages.
Returns a string representing the time difference between two dates rounded to the unit precision. Test here: or
- Parameters:
- start, end - end is optional and defaults to now(). Allow java date objects or properly formated, as dates, strings (i.e. "2021-10-20T14:35:46.217Z").
- pUnits (optional) - an array of stings that represent the plural unit words. This also controls the precision desired. The order needs to be: ['years','months','days','hours','minutes','seconds','milliseconds']. Omitting units from the end of the array will omit from the duration and round up to that last unit.
- sUnits (optional) - as above but singular of units. Note array length and order should be the same as pUnits.
- separator (optional) - separator string of units in the returned string. Default is ', '
- otherFills (optional) - array that holds the final suffix. Default is ['ago','until','less than']