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Website Performance Optimization portfolio project

This is Project #4 of the Udacity Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree

The goal was to optimize a provided website with a number of optimization- and performance-related issues so that it achieves a target PageSpeed score of 90 and runs at 60 frames per second.

Getting started

The code for the "before" website can be found here

The code for the "after" website can be found here

In addition, the "after" website is hosted here

To compare sites:

  1. Clone each repo to your local machine:
git clone
git clone
  1. Navigate to the root directory of each project and start a web server (use different ports for each site):
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8090

or, for Python 3

$ python -m http.server 8080
$ python -m http.server 8090
  1. Tunnel local web servers to the internet using ngrok. Instructions are on the ngrok site

Requirement 1: Critical Rendering Path

Get index.html to a PageSpeed score for the mobile and desktop versions to at least 90.

Step 1: Profile

Using ngrok to tunnel the local web server, initial scores were 28/30 for mobile/desktop. The analysis recommended:

Should fixes:

  1. Optimize images
  2. Eliminate render-blocking JS and CSS in above-the-fold content

Consider fixes:

  1. Leverage browser caching
  2. Enable compression
  3. Minify HTML

Step 2: Optimize:

  1. Optimize images: Google's PageSpeed tool provided two optimized images:
    • profilepic.jpg
    • pizzeria.jpg.
    • They were both sized and compressed. The original images file names were renamed with the suffix "-lg".
  2. To eliminate render-blocking JS & CSS, I made these changes:
    • used a media query on the print.css. Now, it will only request the CSS file if screen = print
    • added async to the Google analytics script so it doesn't block rendering
    • moved the Google Analytics script to the bottom of the body so it doesn't block rendering
    • replaced the Google Font CSS file request to a JS script at the bottom of the body, so downloading the fonts won't block rendering

Step 3: Measure:

After above optimizations, and again using ngrok to tunnel the local web server, PageSpeed improved to 95/96 mobile/desktop

Requirement 2: Frame Rate

Refactor view/js/main.js such that views.html renders at a consistent 60 fps

Step 1: Profile

The performance data generated by the views/js/main.js script itself indicates:

  • Time to generate pizzas on load: 30ms
  • Average scripting time to generate the last 10 frames: 2.5ms. This is a potential problem since the whole frame must be ready every 16.6 ms to maintain 60 fps.
  • When the scroll event fires, the handler calls the updatePositions function, which is taking over 2 ms.
  • You'll notice all the red ticks where the frame rate wasn't 60 fps. Here is the screen shot:


Step 2: Optimize:

See the comments below for the details. In summary, I took a few calculations out of the loops they were in, and put them in top of the function so they only get assigned once. I also reduced the number of pizzas from 200 to around 48. The number is now dynamic, based on screen height

function updatePositions() {
  var topPosition = document.body.scrollTop / 1250;
  var phases = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    phases.push(Math.sin(topPosition + i));

  // items = document.getElementsByClassName('mover');
  for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
    // var phase = Math.sin((document.body.scrollTop / 1250) + (i % 5));
    /* moved the Math.sin calc above out of the loop so it just gets called
     * once, when the function is called */
    items[i].style.left = items[i].basicLeft + 100 * phases[i % 5] + 'px';

  // User Timing API to the rescue again. Seriously, it's worth learning.
  // Super easy to create custom metrics.
  window.performance.measure("measure_frame_duration", "mark_start_frame", "mark_end_frame");
  if (frame % 10 === 0) {
    var timesToUpdatePosition = window.performance.getEntriesByName("measure_frame_duration");

// runs updatePositions on scroll
window.addEventListener('scroll', updatePositions);

// Generates the sliding pizzas when the page loads.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  var cols = 8;
  var s = 256;
  var movingPizzas = document.getElementById('movingPizzas1');
  /* moved the reference above out of the loop below so it only needs to getAdj
   * initialized once - at page load. Also replace query selector with
   * getElementById, which is supposed to be faster. */

  for (var i = 0; i < 35; i++) {
    var elem = document.createElement('img');
    elem.className = 'mover';
    elem.src = "images/pizza.png"; = "100px"; = "73.333px";
    elem.basicLeft = (i % cols) * s; = (Math.floor(i / cols) * s) + 'px';
  /* move the items variable out of the loop above. It's initialized in the
   * global scope, and then assigned a value once, on page load. */
  items = document.getElementsByClassName('mover');

Step 3: Measure:

  • The scripting time is reduced from 60 ms to under 1 ms.
  • No jank present during scrolling, meaning frame rate is above 60fps


Requirement 3: Computational efficiency

Time of resize pizzas is less than 5 ms using the pizza size slider on the views/pizza/html page.

Step 1: Profile


Step 2: Optimize

See the comments in the code

  /* Eliminated the determineDx function and extracted this function */
  function sizeSwitcher (size) {
    switch(size) {
      case "1":
        return 0.25;
      case "2":
        return 0.3333;
      case "3":
        return 0.5;
        console.log("bug in sizeSwitcher");

  var windowWidth = document.getElementById("randomPizzas").offsetWidth;

  function changePizzaSizes(size) {
    var randomPizzas = document.getElementsByClassName("randomPizzaContainer");

    for (var i = 0; i < randomPizzas.length; i++) {
      // var dx = determineDx(randomPizzas[i], size);
      // var newwidth = (randomPizzas[i].offsetWidth + dx) + 'px';
      // var newwidth = sizeSwitcher(size) * windowWidth + 'px';
      randomPizzas[i].style.width = (sizeSwitcher(size) * windowWidth) + 'px';

Step 3: Measure

After the improvements, the time to resize is under 3ms.

Also, it should be noted that the Udacity forums we very helpful when I got stuck