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Simple math codes that were written in Python.

The reason why these codes were written in Python is that the Python codes are very similar to the pseudo codes, so they are really easy to read.

Thanks to Google translate, you can still read and understand the contents even if you are not that familiar with the English language, I guess.

Follow the codes and explanations step by step, and you will understand the basics of math.

If you have any questions about the Math concept or codes below, contact me via gmail.

This repository will deal with:

  1. Sets and propositions (집합과 명제 in Korean)
  2. Vectors and matrices (벡터와 행렬 in Korean)
  3. Functions and graphs
  4. Sequences (수열 in Korean)
  5. Limits and continuity of functions (함수의 극한과 연속 in Korean)
  6. Differential (미분 in Korean)
  7. Integral (적분 in Korean)
  8. Probability and statistics (확률과 통계 in Korean)

Table of contents

1. Sets and propositions

  1. set
  2. size of set
  3. in and not in
  4. issubset
  5. union
  6. intersection
  7. difference
  8. add
  9. judge of duplication
  10. remove
  11. clear
  12. relative prime
  13. test1
  14. test2

2. Vectors and matrices

  1. class of vector
  2. return value of vector location
  3. addition of vectors
  4. subtraction of vectors
  5. float multiplication of vectors
  6. size of vector
  7. vector normalization
  8. vector: comprehension check
  9. class of matrix
  10. returning and modifying of vector elements
  11. addition and subtraction of matrices
  12. multiplication of matrix by real number
  13. multiplication between matrices
  14. comparing two matrices
  15. identity matrix or not
  16. checking inverse and identity matrix or not
  17. getting the determinant of two by two matrix

3. Functions and graphs

  1. generate a dot graph
  2. generate a line graph 1
  3. generate a line graph 2
  4. graph for linear functions
  5. graph for quadratic functions
  6. graph for exponential functions
  7. graph for logarithm functions
  8. graph for trigonometric functions
  9. graph for circles
  10. composite function
  11. intersection of a function and its inverse function 1
  12. intersection of a function and its inverse function 2

4. Sequences

  1. arithmetic sequences
  2. sum of arithmetic sequences
  3. geometric sequences
  4. sum of geometric sequences
  5. handling general sequences 1
  6. handling general sequences 2
  7. difference sequences
  8. fibonacci sequences
  9. recursive functions
  10. tower of Hanoi
  11. fibonacci sequence - recursive


  1. adding two big numbers


A simple math to codes written in python.






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