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Single cell Nanopore sequencing data for Genotype and Phenotype

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scNanoGPS: Single cell Nanopore sequencing analysis of Genotype and Phenotype Simultaneously

scNanoGPS is a computational toolkit for analyzing high throughput single cell nanopore sequencing data to detect Genotypes and Phenotype Simultaneously from same cells. scNanoGPS includes 5 major steps: 1) NanoQC to perform quality control of the raw seqeucning data; 2) Scanner to scan and filter out reads that do not have expected adapater sequence patterns, i.e., TrueSeq Read 1 adapter sequence, TSO adaper sequence, poly (A/T)n block sequence, Cell Barcodes (CB) and unique molecule identifier (UMI) sequence blocks; 3) Assigner to detect the list of true cell barcodes, merge cell barcodes with sequencing errors and assign raw reads into single cells; 4) Curator to detect reads with true UMIs and collapse them to make consensus sequences of individual molecules to curate sequencing errors on gene bodies; 5) Reporter to detect single cell transcriptomes, single cell gene isoforms and single cell mutations from consensus single cell long reads data.


Single cell, Nanopore, RNA sequencing, long read, cell barcode demultiplex, UMI curation, gene expression, isoform, single nucleotide variation

Citing scNanoGPS

Shiau, CK., Lu, L., Kieser, R. et al. High throughput single cell long-read sequencing analyses of same-cell genotypes and phenotypes in human tumors. Nat Commun 14, 4124 (2023).



The scNanoGPS pipeline is built with python3. We recommend users to use anaconda/miniconda virtual environment to install it. Refer to Anaconda turorial for environment building.

Build python3 virtual environment

  • Example codes for creating and activating python3 environment on Linux-based OS:
    conda create -n scNanoGPS python=3 numpy scipy
    source activate scNanoGPS

Install scNanoGPS and dependencies

  • The scNanoGPS requires the following dependencies to work:

    - biopython 1.79
    - distance 0.1.3
    - matplotlib 3.5.2
    - pandas 1.4.2
    - pysam 0.19.0
    - seaborn 0.11.2
  • Example codes for obtaining scNanoGPS from GitHub and installation of dependencies:

    git clone
    cd scNanoGPS
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Install other essential tools

scNanoGPS uses the following third party tools for mapping again genome reference, collapsing reads with same UMIs, and sumamrizing single cell gene expression, isoform, and SNV profiles.

  • Example codes for installation of third party tools
    • minimap2 (GitHub, Anaconda)
      conda install -c bioconda minimap2
    • Samtools (GitHub, Anaconda)
      conda install -c bioconda samtools
    • tabix (Anaconda)
      conda install -c bioconda tabix
    • SPOA (GitHub, Anaconda)
      conda install -c bioconda spoa
    • SubRead featureCounts (SourceForge, Anaconda)
      # You can download and unzip pre-compiled binary file from
      tar -xzf subread-2.0.3-<platform>.tar.gz
      # or install subread via anaconda
      conda install -c bioconda subread
    • LIQA (GitHub)
      pip3 install liqa
    • Longshot (GitHub, Anaconda)
      conda install -c bioconda longshot
    • BCFtools (GitHub, Anaconda)
      conda install -c bioconda bcftools
      # You can download ANNOVAR from
      tar -xvf annovar.latest.tar.gz
    • (optional) gffread (GitHub)
      git clone
      cd gffread
      make release
    • Qualimap (Anaconda)
      # You can download Qualimap from
      # or install qualimap via anaconda
      conda install -c bioconda qualimap

Prepare reference genome and annotations

  • Reference genome
    Users can obtain reference genome from NCBI, Ensembl, or any other autorities

  • Gene annotation (GTF/GFF)
    Users can obtain reference gene annotations from NCBI, Ensembl, or any other autorities

    • Note: Many tools cannot use compressed GTF file. Please try to gunzip compress GTF.gz beforehand.
  • Index reference genome for minimap2
    Prepare indexed genome for minimap2 to boost mapping. Refer to the Minimap2 instruction.

    • Example code:
      minimap2 -x map-ont -d example/GRCh38_chr22.mmi example/GRCh38_chr22.fa.gz
  • Index reference genome for LIQA
    This version of scNanoGPS uses LIQA as a default tool to calculate single cell isoforms. Refer to the LIQA's manual for complete instructions

    • Example code:
      liqa -task refgene -ref example/GRCh38_chr22.gtf -format gtf -out example/GRCh38_chr22.liqa.refgene
  • Annotation tables for ANNOVAR
    This version of scNanoGPS uses ANNOVAR to annotate single cell SNVs results, please refer to ANNOVAR's webpage for more information.

    • Example codes:
    perl -buildver hg38 -downdb -webfrom annovar refGene hg38db/
    perl -buildver hg38 -downdb cytoBand hg38db/
    perl -buildver hg38 -downdb -webfrom annovar gnomad30_genome hg38db/
    perl -buildver hg38 -downdb -webfrom annovar avsnp150 hg38db/
    perl -buildver hg38 -downdb -webfrom annovar dbnsfp42c hg38db/

Step 1: NanoQC

Read length distribution

scNanoGPS contains a script named “” to compute the raw read lengths of all reads. The script can either read through individual FastQ/Fast5 files or all FastQ/Fast5 files under a given folder. The raw read length histogram is drawn accordingly.

  • Manual of

    python3 other_utils/ -h
    Usage: [options]
      -h, --help     show this help message and exit
      -i FQ_F_NAME   File or folder name of reads.
      -d O_DIR       Output directory name. Default: scNanoGPS_res
      -f FIG_NAME    Read length histogram file name. Default: read_length.png
      -o O_NAME      Read length file name. Default: read_length.tsv.gz
      --fig_w=FIG_W  Width of figure (inch). Default: 12
      --fig_h=FIG_H  Height of figure (inch). Default: 7
  • Example code:

    python3 other_utils/ -i example/fastq/

FastQC (optional)

Per the experimental design of read architecture, the TruSeq Read1, cell barcode (CB), unique molecular identifier (UMI), and polyA tail are expected to locate either in the first or the last 100 nucleotide range of each Nanopore read. Users can use FastQC to check the qualities of the first and last 100 nucleotides of individual Nanopore reads to draw the per-base quality score boxplot.

  • Manual of

    Usage: [options]
      -h, --help    show this help message and exit
      -i FQ_F_NAME  File or folder name of reads.
      -d O_DIR      Output directory name. Default: scNanoGPS_res
      -l READ_LEN   Length of the extracted first and last read nucleotides.
                    Default: 100
      --o1=O1       First given length of reads. Default: first_tail.fastq.gz
      --o2=O2       Last given length of reads. Default: last_tail.fastq.gz
  • Example code:

    python3 other_utils/ -i example/fastq/

You can run FastQC to check first_tail.fastq.gz and last_tail.fastq.gz for quality score distribution.

Step 2: Scanner

This step of scNanoGPS pipeline is executed by a python script called “”. This script scans for both TruSeq Read1 and polyA tail of the reads. Scanning for other sequence modules are optional. To boost the scanning speed, we scan the first and last 100 nucleotides of reads to recognize TruSeq Read 1 and PolyA. Following by recognition, Scanner extracts CBs and UMIs which are neighbored by TruSeq Read 1 and Poly(A/T)n sequence blocks. Then the Scanner outputs two different files. One is a processed FastQ file holding the insert sequences without TruSeq Read 1, CB, and UMI sequences. The CBs of individual reads are moved to the read names as tags. The other file is table named, “barcode_list.tsv”, storing reads information including read names, CBs, UMIs, and others.

  • Manual of

    python3 -h
    Usage: [options]
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -i FQ_F_NAME          * Required ! Input FastQ/Fast5 file name, or directory
                            containing multiple input files. Support
                            fastq/fq/fastq.gz/fq.gz/fast5 format.
      -o FQ_O_NAME          Output fastq file name. Could be either in .fastq or
                            .gz format.Default: processed.fastq.gz
      -d O_DIR              Output directory name. Must give a new directory name
                            to prevent accidental overwriting ! Default:
      -b BC_F_NAME          Output cell barcode list file. Default:
      -t NCORES             Number of cores for program running. Default: 1
      --log=LOG_F_NAME      Program log file. This file stores program running
                            parameters and counting details. Default:
      --a5=ADAPTOR_FIVE_P   Sequence of 5'-adaptor. Default:
      --a3=ADAPTOR_THREE_P  Sequence of 3'-adaptor. Default:
      --pT=POLYT            Reverse-complement sequence of polyA. Default:
      --lCB=BC_LEN          Length of cell barcode. Default: 16
      --lUMI=UMI_LEN        Length of UMI. Default: 12
                            Minimal read length. Default: 200
                            Editing distance for cell barcode detection. Default:
                            Matching threshold for alignment search. Default: 0.7
                            Scoring threshold for alignment search. Default: 0.4
                            Number of reads for batch processing. Default: 1000
                            Region length for adaptor scanning. Default: 100
                            Debug mode switch. Default: False
                            Dynamic programming matching penalty. Default: 2
                            Dynamic programming mismatching penalty. Default: -3
                            Dynamic programming gap opening penalty. Default: -5
                            Dynamic programming gap extention penalty. Default: -2
  • Example code:

    python3 -i example/fastq/ -t 2

Step 3: Assigner

This step of scNanoGPS pipeline is executed by a python script called “”. This script is designed for CB collapsing and estimation of the optimal CB number without guidance of 10X short-read sequencing data or any CB whitelist. To estimate the number of optimal CB, we use edge detection strategy to find out the point where has dramatical signal dropping (Fig. 1b). The detailed method is that the assigner first calculates the supporting UMI number to every CB, and sorts the CB list by UMI number in decreasing order. Following by computing the partial derivatives (slopes) per CB in log10 scale, the medium number of slope changes in log10 scale are computed per 0.001 log10 tick. Then the maximal medium log10 slope change is selected, and where is the crude anchoring for following processes. To fathom the fully signal dropping point and include more useful CBs, we allow 10% more signal in log10 scale. Next, the script collapses CBs which have similar sequences. Previous study shows that the most accurate criterial for CB and UMI collapsing in Illumina samples are three and two Levenshtein Distance (LD), respectively. Here we use two LD to merge similar CB as Refinery Local Optimization. Then a list of representative CB having sufficient supporting read is generated. Alternatively, you can forcely assign cell barcode number by using "forced_no" parameter.

  • Manual of

    python3 -h
    Usage: [options]
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -i INPUT              Cell barcode list file. Could be either in .tsv or
                            .tsv.gz format. Default: barcode_list.tsv.gz
      -o OUTPUT             Cell barcode counting file name. Default:
      -d O_DIR              Output directory name. Default: scNanoGPS_res
      --tmp_dir=TMP_DIR     Temporary folder name. Default: tmp
      -t NCORES             Number of cores for program running. Default: 1
      --log=LOG_F_NAME      Log file name. Default: assigner.log.txt
      --lCB=BC_LEN          Length of cell barcode. Default: 16
                            Increasing CB number on log scale. Default: 0.1
                            File name used for plotting log10 UMI number
                            distribution. Default: CB_log10_dist.png
                            Threshold of distance for merging cell barcodes.
                            Default: 2
                            File name for distance matrix of merging cell
                            barcodes. Default: CB_merged_dist.tsv.gz
      --CB_mrg_o=CB_MRG_O   File name for merged cell barcodes. Default:
                            Assign cell number in force. If this parameter is
                            assigned, the raw CB with given number will be
                            outputed without correction. Default: 0
                            Minimal cell number. Default: 1
                            Smoothening resolution on log10 scale. Default: 0.001
  • Example code:

    python3 -t 2
    # To generate raw matrix similar to 10X for SoupX, you can try forcedly assign cell number to 20000
    python3 -t 2 --forced_no 20000

Step 4: Curator

This step of scNanoGPS pipeline is executed by a python script called “”. This script is used for demultiplexing, filtering, reference genome mapping and re-mapping, and UMI collapsing.

The master FastQ file of all cells is demultiplexed according to the true CB list determined by Assigner into single cell FastQ files each representing one cell. Curator then maps individual FastQ files onto given reference genome by Mimimap2 under splice mode. Chimeric reads from different chromosomes are filtered out in this step (fusion gene detection functionality is under development). Next, Curator scans UMIs through their full length reads by their mapped genomic orders. UMIs that within 2 LD and mapping to same genomic coordinates are considered as same UMI barcodes. To further accommodate possible small indels (<5bp) that causes minor drifting of mapping coordinates, Curator allows 5bp differences to buffer these sequencing errors. To perform parallel computing, the reads scanning is placed into batches based on their genomic coordinates. The reads that share same UMIs are collapsed to generate consensus sequences of individual molecules using software, SPOA. Finally, we re-map the consensus sequences of single cells onto reference genome by using Minimap2 under splice mode. There is a portion of reads that are singletons having only one UMI, which is mapped previsouly. We merged both singleton BAMs with consensus BAMs to formal a final BAMs as curated data.

  • Manual of

    python3 -h 
    Usage: [options]
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --fq_name=FQ_NAME     Processed fastq file name. Default: processed.fastq.gz
      -b BC_LIST            Output cell barcode list file. Default:
      --CB_count=CB_COUNT   Cell barcode counting file name. Default:
      --CB_list=CB_LIST     File name for merged cell barcodes. Default:
                            * Required ! File for reference genome.
                            Path to the Minimap2 genome index. Program will use
                            reference genome if no Minimap2 genome index given.
                            Default: None
      -d O_DIR              Output directory name. Default: scNanoGPS_res
      --tmp_dir=TMP_DIR     Temporary folder name. Default: tmp
      -t NCORES             Number of cores for computing. Default: 1
      --log=LOG_F_NAME      Log file name. Default: curator.log.txt
      --umi_ld=UMI_LD       Levenshtein distance for merging UMI. Default: 2
                            Set it to 1 to keep meta data, e.g. sam files, for futher checking.
                            Default: None
      --inc_bed=INC_BED     Include specific regions (BED) in file. Default: None
      --exc_bed=EXC_BED     Exclude specific regions (BED) in file. Default: None
                            Threshold for softclipping. Default: 0.8
      --minimap2=MINIMAP2   Path to minimap2. Default: minimap2
      --samtools=SAMTOOLS   Path to samtools. Default: samtools
      --spoa=SPOA           Path to spoa. Default: spoa
                            Set to 1 to skip UMI collaping and consensus sequence
                            generating. Default: None
  • Example code:

    python3 -t 2 --ref_genome example/GRCh38_chr22.fa.gz --idx_genome example/GRCh38_chr22.mmi
    # To generate raw matrix similar to 10X for SoupX, you can generate data by skipping curation
    python3 -t 2 --ref_genome example/GRCh38_chr22.fa.gz --idx_genome example/GRCh38_chr22.mmi --skip_curation 1

Step 5: Reporter

Lastly, scNanoGPS contains a set of reporter scripts for generating multi-omics profiles from same single cells with Nanopore long-read sequencing data. This version of scNanoGPS detects the gene expression, isoform, and single nucleotide variations (SNVs) profiles by using FeatureCounts, LIQA, and longshot, respectively.

5.1 Single cell gene expression profile

  • Manual of

    python3 -h
    Usage: [options]
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -d O_DIR              Output directory name. Default: scNanoGPS_res
      --tmp_dir=TMP_DIR     Temporary folder name. Default: tmp
      --gtf=GTF             * Required ! GTF file for expression calling.
      -o O_NAME             Counting table name. Default: matrix.tsv
      --log=LOG_F_NAME      Log file name.Default: reporter_expression.log.txt
      -t NCORES             Number of cores for program running. Default: 1
                            Minimal number of gene per cell. Default: 300
      --sel_bc_o=SEL_BC_O   Filtered cell barcode list. Default:
                            Path to featureCounts.Default: featureCounts
  • Example code:

    # Please add featureCounts into your path to use which command
    python3 -t 2 --gtf example/GRCh38_chr22.gtf --featurecounts $(which featureCounts)
    # or
    python3 -t 2 --gtf example/GRCh38_chr22.gtf --featurecounts /path/to/subread_folder/bin/featureCounts
    # Please add "min_gene_no 1" for test because the example fastq is a subset pool and contains only a dozen of genes. 
    python3 -t 2 --gtf example/GRCh38_chr22.gtf --min_gene_no 1 --featurecounts $(which featureCounts)

5.2 Single cell isoform profile

  • Manual of

    python3 -h
    Usage: [options]
      -h, --help           show this help message and exit
      -d O_DIR             Output directory name. Default: scNanoGPS_res
      --tmp_dir=TMP_DIR    Temporary folder name. Default: tmp
      --CB_file=CB_FILE    File name for filtered barcode list. Default:
      --gtf=GTF            GTF file for obtaining transcript ID.
      --liqa_ref=LIQA_REF  * Required ! Reference of LIQA.
      -o O_NAME            Counting table name. Default: matrix_isoform.tsv
      --log=LOG_F_NAME     Log file name. Default: reporter_isoform.log.txt
      -t NCORES            Number of cores for program running. Default: 1
      --liqa=LIQA          Program name of LIQA. Default: liqa
      --liqa_log=LIQA_LOG  Suffix of LIQA output file. Default: .liqa.log
      --liqa_o=LIQA_O      Suffix of LIQA output file. Default: .liqa.tsv
  • Example code:

    # Please add liqa into your path to use which command
    python3 -t 2 --liqa_ref example/GRCh38_chr22.liqa.refgene
    # or
    python3 -t 2 --liqa $(which liqa) --liqa_ref example/GRCh38_chr22.liqa.refgene
    # or
    python3 -t 2 --liqa /path/to/liqa --liqa_ref example/GRCh38_chr22.liqa.refgene

5.3 single cell SNV profile

  • Manual of

    python3 -h
    Usage: [options]
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -d O_DIR              Output directory name. Default: scNanoGPS_res
      --tmp_dir=TMP_DIR     Temporary folder name. Default: tmp
      --CB_file=CB_FILE     File name for filtered barcode list. Default:
                            * Required ! File for reference genome.
                            Minimal coverage for longshot. Default: 2
                            Minimal alternative count for longshot. Default: 2
                            Prefix of LongShot output VCF file. Default:
      -o O_NAME             Result SNV matrix file name. Must be ended with
                            .vcf.gz. Default: matrix_SNV.vcf.gz
      --log=LOG_F_NAME      Log file name. Default: reporter_SNV.log.txt
      --o_snv_l=O_SNV_L     Filtered SNVs position list. Default:
      --o_snv_dp=O_SNV_DP   SNVs depth matrix. Default: matrix_SNV_dp.tsv.gz
      -t NCORES             Number of cores for program running. Default: 1
      --samtools=SAMTOOLS   Path to samtools. Default: samtools
      --bcftools=BCFTOOLS   Path to bcftools. Default: bcftools
      --tabix=TABIX         Path to tabix. Default: tabix
      --longshot=LONGSHOT   Path to longshot. Default: None
                            SNV prevalence rate. Default: 0.01
                            Minimal read quality. Default: 0
      --annovar=ANNOVAR     Path to Annovar. Default: None
                            Path to Annovar database. Default: None
                            Annovar database genome version. Default: hg38
                            Protocols of Annovar database. Default:
                            Operation of Annovar database. Default: gx,r,f,f,f
                            Path to Omim xref. Default: None
                            Keep meta files. Default: None
  • Example code for variant detection with LongShot and annotation with ANNOVAR (please make sure to include ANNOVAR in your path):

    # Please add annovar into your path to use which command
    python3 -t 2 --ref_genome example/GRCh38_chr22.fa.gz --annovar $(which --annovar_db path/to/annovar_db/
    # or
    python3 -t 2 --ref_genome example/GRCh38_chr22.fa.gz --annovar /path/to/annovar/ --annovar_db path/to/annovar_db/
  • Example code for variant calling without ANNOVAR annotations (optional, not suggested):

    python3 -t 2 --ref_genome example/GRCh38_chr22.fa.gz

5.4 Generate final summary table

  • Manual of

    python3 -h
    Usage: [options]
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -d O_DIR              Output directory name. Default: scNanoGPS_res
      --tmp_dir=TMP_DIR     Temporary folder name. Default: tmp
                            Scanner log file name. Default: scanner.log.txt
      --bc_f=BC_F           Cell barcode list file. Default: barcode_list.tsv.gz
                            Scanner log file name. Default: read_length.tsv.gz
      --CB_file=CB_FILE     File name for filtered barcode list. Default:
      --exp_tb=EXP_TB       Counting table name. Default: matrix.tsv
                            * Required ! File for reference genome.
      --gtf=GTF             * Required ! Genome annotation file GTF.
      --log=LOG_F_NAME      Log file name. Default: summary.txt
      --samtools=SAMTOOLS   Path to samtools. Default: samtools
      --qualimap=QUALIMAP   Path to qualimap. Default: qualimap
  • Example code for generating final summary

    python3 --ref_genome example/GRCh38_chr22.fa.gz --gtf example/GRCh38_chr22.gtf
  • Example summary table

    Read yield:                  98349656
    Valid read number:           76630302
    Detecting rate:              77.92%
    Median read length:          921.0
    Mean read length:            1146.76
    Maximal read length:         190885
    Median read quality:         21.12
    Mean read quality:           20.47
    Cell number:                 3470
    Raw reads per cell:          28342.84
    UMI counts:                  27292859
    Mean UMI counts per cell:    7865.38
    Median UMI counts per cell:  5212.5
    Exonic:                      13.91%
    Intronic:                    70.2%
    Intergenic:                  15.89%