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MediaType Library for Typescript


This TypeScript library provides a MediaType value type that validates and supports RFC 2045 and RFC 6838 "media type" strings:

Quick Start

# run this from your Terminal
npm install @ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype
// add this import to your Typescript code
import { MediaType } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1"

VS Code users: once you've added a single import anywhere in your project, you'll then be able to auto-import anything else that this library exports.



 * Smart constructor. Creates MediaType values from RFC-compliant
 * media type strings.
export function mediaTypeFrom(input: string, onError: OnError = THROW_THE_ERROR): MediaType;

mediaTypeFrom() is a smart constructor. It creates a new MediaType from the given input string.

MediaType Value Type

// how to import this into your own code
import { MediaType } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1";

// base class
import { RefinedString } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-value-objects/lib/v2";

// types used for parameters
import { OnError, THROW_THE_ERROR } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-error-reporting/lib/v1";

export class MediaType extends RefinedString {
     * smart constructor.
     * calls your `onError` handler if `input` isn't a well-formatted
     * media type
    public constructor(input: string, onError: OnError = THROW_THE_ERROR);

     * Gets the 'text/html' bit from 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' (for example)
    public getContentType(): string;

     * returns a breakdown of the individual components for this media type
    public parse(): MediaTypeParts;

MediaType is a value type. It represents an RFC-compliant media type string that has been successfully validated. You don't have to validate it yourself; the constructor will do that for you.

Here's how to create it, and how to use it:

// how to import this into your own code
import { MediaType } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1";

// create a value object
const myMediaType = mediaTypeFrom("text/html; charset=UTF-8");

// it will auto-convert to a string in most places
console.log("myMediaType is: " + myMediaType);

// if you run into any auto-convert problems, call `.valueOf()`:
const parts = parseMediaType(myMediaType.valueOf());

If you try to create a MediaType from something that isn't a well-formed media type, the constructor will throw an Error:

// how to import this into your own code
import { MediaType } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1";

// throws NotAMediaTypeError
const myMediaType = mediaTypeFrom("text");

MediaTypeParts Value Type

// how to import this into your own code
import { MediaTypeParts } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1";

 * the structure of a MediaType
 * call parseMediaType() or MediaType.parse() to get your MediaType
 * broken down
export interface MediaTypeParts {
     * the 'text' in 'text/html' - everything before the first '/'
    type: string;

     * the 'vnd' in 'application/' - everything after
     * the first '/' and before the first '.'
    tree?: string;

     * the 'html' in 'text/html',
     * or the 'ms-excel' in 'application/'
     * - everything after the 'type' and the 'tree'
    subtype: string;

     * the 'json' in 'application/'
    suffix?: string;

     * any parameters tacked onto the end of the media type
    parameters?: {[parameter: string]: string};

MediaTypeParts is a value type. It contains the parsed contents of a MediaType. The attribute names come from RFC 2045.

There are two ways to get a MediaTypesParts value:

  • call parseMediaType() to get a MediaTypeParts object from a string, or
  • call MediaType.parse()
// how to import this into your own code
import { MediaType, parseMediaType } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1";

const parts1 = parseMediaType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");

const myMediaType = mediaTypeFrom("text/html; charset=UTF-8");
const parts2 = myMediaType.parse();

// at this point, parts1 and parts2 contain the same information


// how to import this into your own code
import { isMediaType } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1";

 * Data guard. Returns `true` if the input string matches the structure
 * of an RFC2046 / RFC6838 media type.
 * @param input
export function isMediaType(input: string): boolean;

isMediaType() is a data guard. Use it to prove that a string contains something with the structure of a MediaType:

type "/" [tree "."] subtype ["+" suffix] *[";" parameter]


// how to import this into your own code
import { matchesContentType } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1";

// types used for parameters
import { ContentTypeOrMediaType } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1";

 * Data guard. Returns `true` if your `input` matches any of the MediaTypes
 * in the `safelist`.
 * We compare everything except the parameters of the MediaTypes.
 * Use `mustMatchMediaType()` for the corresponding data guarantee.
export function matchesContentType(
    input: ContentTypeOrMediaType,
    safelist: ContentTypeOrMediaType[]
): boolean;

matchesContentType() is a data guard. Use it to prove that a given MediaType matches any entry in a safelist.

The comparison:

  • ignores the case of all the MediaTypes
  • ignores any parameters present in each MediaType


// how to import this into your own code
import { parseMediaType } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1";

// types used for parameters
import { OnError, THROW_THE_ERROR } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-error-reporting/lib/v1";

 * Data parser. Breaks down an RFC-compliant MediaType into its
 * individual parts.
export function parseMediaType(
    input: string,
    onError: OnError = THROW_THE_ERROR,
): MediaTypeParts;

parseMediaType() is a data parser. Use it to break down the contents of a media type into its individual parts.

NOTE that parseMediaType() converts everything except parameter values to lower-case.

If you need to preserve the case of all the parts, have a look at our undocumented _parseMediaType() function.


// how to import this into your own code
import { mustBeMediaType } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1";

// types used for parameters
import { OnError, THROW_THE_ERROR } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-error-reporting/lib/v1";

 * Data guarantee. Calls your onError handler if the given input
 * isn't an RFC-2045 / 6838-compliant MediaType
 * @param input
 *        this string to be validated
export function mustBeMediaType(input: string, onError: OnError = THROW_THE_ERROR): void;

mustBeMediaType() is a data guarantee. Use it to ensure that the given string has the structure of a RFC-compliant media type.


// how to import this into your own code
import { MediaTypeMatchRegexIsBrokenError } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1";

// base class
import { AppError, AppErrorParams } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-error-reporting/lib/v1";

export class MediaTypeMatchRegexIsBrokenError extends AppError {
    public constructor(params: AppErrorParams);

MediaTypeMatchRegexIsBrokenError is a throwable, structured Error. It's thrown whenever we break one of the regexes that we use to parse media type strings.

This is an internal error. Hopefully, you'll never see it occur.


// how to import this into your own code
import { NotAMediaTypeError } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1";

// base class
import { AppError, AppErrorParams } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-error-reporting/lib/v1";

// params object structure
export interface NotAMediaTypeExtraData {
    public: {
        input: string;

export class NotAMediaTypeError extends AppError {
    public constructor(params: NotAMediaTypeExtraData & AppErrorParams);

NotAMediaTypeError is a throwable, structured Error. It's thrown whenever a string doesn't have the expected structure of a media type.


ContentType Value Type

// how to import this into your own code
import { ContentType } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1";

 * everything except the parameters from a MediaType,
 * e.g. the `text/html` bit from `text/html; charset=UTF-8`
 * At compile-time, this type resolves down to being a normal string.
 * Think of it as an interface.
export type ContentType = Branded<string, "ContentType">;

ContentType is a value type. It holds everything except the parameters from a MediaType.

NOTE that ContentType is an interface, not a class. It's a type that only exists at compile-time. You can't use it with the instanceof operator at runtime.

Use contentTypeFrom() to create a new ContentType value:

const myContentType = contentTypeFrom("text/html");

While you can technically do this:

const myContentType = "text/html" as ContentType;

it's an unsafe practice.

  • XXX as Type is a compiler override. It bypasses the compiler's type checking. It should only ever be used as a last resort.
  • contentTypeFrom() will catch any silly mistakes that aren't a well-formatted content type.
  • It will break if we ever change the underlying definition of ContentType in the future, whereas using contentTypeFrom() guarantees forward-compatibility.


// how to import this into your own code
import { contentTypeFrom } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1";

// types used in parameters / return values
import { OnError, THROW_THE_ERROR } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-error-reporting/lib/v1";

 * Smart constructor. Creates a validated `ContentType` from your given
 * input string.
 * The returned ContentType is always in lower case.
export function contentTypeFrom(input: string, onError: OnError = THROW_THE_ERROR): ContentType;

```contentTypeFrom()is a _smart constructor_. Use it to create aContentType` value.


// how to import this into your own code
import { contentTypeFromMediaType } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1";

// types used for parameters
import { OnError, THROW_THE_ERROR } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-error-reporting/lib/v1";
import { ContentType, MediaType } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1";

 * Data parser. Extracts everything but the parameters from an RFC-compliant
 * MediaType, and returns it as a single valeue.
 * The result is always returned as a lower-case string.
export function contentTypeFromMediaType(
    input: MediaType,
    onError: OnError = THROW_THE_ERROR,
): ContentType;

contentTypeFromMediaType() is a smart constructor. Use it to extract the text/html section from text/html; charset=UTF-8 (for example).

NOTE that contentTypeFromMediaType() always returns a lower-case string.

If you need to preserve the case of the result string, have a look at our undocumented _contentTypeFromMediaType() function.


// how to import this into your own code
import { mustMatchContentType } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1";

// types used for parameters
import { OnError, THROW_THE_ERROR } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-error-reporting/lib/v1";
import { ContentTypeOrMediaType } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1";

 * Data guarantee. Calls your onError handler if the given input
 * doesn't match any of the MediaTypes on the given safelist.
 * We compare everything except the parameters of the MediaTypes.
export function mustMatchContentType(
    input: ContentTypeOrMediaType,
    safelist: ContentTypeOrMediaType[],
    onError: OnError = THROW_THE_ERROR
): void;

mustMatchContentType() is a data guarantee. Use it to prove that your input MediaType matches the MediaTypes on your safelist.


// how to import this into your own code
import { isContentType } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1";

 * Data guard. Returns `true` if the input string matches the structure
 * of an RFC2046 / RFC6838 media type that has no parameters.
 * @param input
export function isContentType(input: string): boolean;

isContentType() is a data guard. Use it to prove that the given input string contains a valid content type.


// how to import this into your own code
import { isContentType } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1";

// types used in parameters / return values
import { OnError, THROW_THE_ERROR } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-error-reporting/lib/v1";

 * Data guarantee. Calls your onError handler if the given input
 * isn't an RFC-2045 / 6838-compliant MediaType that has no parameters.
export function mustBeContentType(input: string, onError: OnError = THROW_THE_ERROR): void;

mustBeContentType() is a data guarantee. Use it to prove that the given input string is a valid content type.


NOTE: This function is deprecated. Use contentTypeFrom() instead.

// how to import this into your own code
import { parseContentType } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1";

// types used for parameters
import { OnError, THROW_THE_ERROR } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-error-reporting/lib/v1";

 * Data parser. Extracts everything but the parameters from an RFC-compliant
 * MediaType, and returns it as a single string.
 * The result is returned as a lower-case string.
export function parseContentType(
    input: string,
    onError: OnError = THROW_THE_ERROR,
): string;

parseContentType() is a data parser. Use it to extract the text/html section from text/html; charset=UTF-8 (for example).

NOTE that parseContentType() always returns a lower-case string.

If you need to preserve the case of the result string, have a look at our undocumented _parseContentType() function.


// how to import this into your own code
import { NotAContentTypeError } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1";

// base class
import { AppError, AppErrorParams } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-error-reporting/lib/v1";

// params object structure
export interface NotAContentTypeExtraData {
    public: {
        input: string;

export class NotAContentTypeError extends AppError {
    public constructor(params: NotAContentTypeExtraData & AppErrorParams);

NotAContentTypeError is a throwable, structured Error. It's thrown whenever a string doesn't have the expected structure of a content type.


// how to import this into your own code
import { UnexpectedContentTypeError } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-mediatype/lib/v1";

// base class
import { AppError, AppErrorParams } from "@ganbarodigital/ts-lib-error-reporting/lib/v1";

// params object structure
export interface UnexpectedContentTypeExtraData {
    public: {
        input: ContentType;
        required: {
            anyOf: ContentType[];

export class UnexpectedContentTypeError extends AppError {
    public constructor(params: UnexpectedContentTypeExtraData & AppErrorParams);

UnexpectedContentTypeError is a throwable, structured Error. It's thrown whenever a given input MediaType doesn't match any of MediaTypes in a given safelist.



 * where either type will do
 * use `resolveToContentType()` or `resolveToMediaType()` to turn
 * your values into one or the other
export type ContentTypeOrMediaType = ContentType | MediaType;


 * is it a ContentType? is it a MediaType? whatever it is, we
 * turn it onto a ContentType
export function resolveToContentType(input: ContentTypeOrMediaType): ContentType;

resolveToContentType() is a data resolver. It converts the given input to always be a ContentType.


 * is it a ContentType? is it a MediaType? whatever it is, we
 * turn it onto a MediaType
export function resolveToMediaType(input: ContentTypeOrMediaType): MediaType;

resolveToMediaType() is a data resolver. It converts the given input to always be a MediaType.

NPM Scripts

npm run clean

Use npm run clean to delete all of the compiled code.

npm run build

Use npm run build to compile the Typescript into plain Javascript. The compiled code is placed into the lib/ folder.

npm run build does not compile the unit test code.

npm run test

Use npm run test to compile and run the unit tests. The compiled code is placed into the lib/ folder.

npm run cover

Use npm run cover to compile the unit tests, run them, and see code coverage metrics.

Metrics are written to the terminal, and are also published as HTML into the coverage/ folder.