Cloud Functions streaming insert to BigQuery (with Cloud Pub/Sub trigger). In this example, the function will make a REST API call to get a data and insert to BigQuery.
- Create BigQuery table with a proper schema (using Google Cloud Console).
- Create a Pub/Sub topic. When deploy Cloud Functions via Console (web UI), there is a button to create a topic.
- Deploy Cloud Function. (alternatively: use
make deploy
as a prompt deploy command) - Set Cloud Scheduler.
To use command line make deploy
, Google Cloud SDK must be installed locally. (
The command will prompt for these information:
Enter function name: # The name of entrypoint function
Enter project id : # Project id, noted that it can be different from project name
Enter env file : # A yaml file that contains environment variables (optional)
Enter cloud region : # A zone which the function will be deployed
Enter runtime : # Runtime, for python, use `python37` or `python38`
Enter topic name : # A name of Cloud Pub/Sub topic for deploying pub/sub trigger function
We added GitHub Action workflow to auto-deploy this function when there is a merge to master branch.
Please follow these steps to setup the workflow:
- In GCP IAM, Create new service account with Cloud Functions Admin permission
- Generate new key. Download secret key as JSON.
- In GCP IAM, add with role Service Account User as a member on the root service account <Project_name>
- Create new secret GCP_PROJ_NAME with value = project ID e.g. root-sanctuary-01234
- Create new secret GCP_CREDENTIALS with value = base64-encoded JSON value from the content of the file in 2.
- Create cloud pubsub topic
- Test run this workflow. It should create new Cloud Function in the project.
- Google Cloud Functions example: