This OpenNMS plugin adds the ability for OpenNMS to received streaming measurements and events from an IoT infrastructure. The plugin supports MQTT messages and also asynchronous messages sent into OpenNMS from a ReST API. OpenNMS can register with an MQTT broker to receive MQTT messages. Several brokers can be subscribed to at the same time and multiple topic subscriptions can be defined on each broker. OpenNMS will attempt to reconnect to a broker if a connection is lost. Each topic message can be configured to generate an OpenNMS event or to persist an OpenNMS date value (or both).
Currently the expected MQTT payloads are:
Json messages which are parsed using a jxpath configuration in much the same way as jxpath is used in the OpenNMS XMLCollector. Example configurations are provided for Eclipse Kura and Solent Airwatch Sniffy messages.
XML messages, also parsed with jxpath. An example configuration is provided for Eclipse Kura XML messages
Payload messages may also optionally be compressed using gzip. Decompression is applied before json or xml decoding.
(A future enhancement will be to support protobuf messages sent over MQTT payloads)
The Eclipse Kura message formats are described here: These formats are used by a number of IoT cloud providers including Kapura.
The plugin is configured using a single file placed in the OpenNMS etc directory: mqtt-interface-config.xml
The example file is annotated explaining how the configuration works.
The architecture of the feature is shown in the following diagram.
(Please note that the present version does not use the new OpenNMS streaming API and so is backwards compatible with Meridian 2017. It interacts with OpenNMS in much the same way as the design intent of the streaming API.)
A docker-compose project with all the correct dependencies is also provided in the sub project mqtt-docker-compose. If you first build this project, you can then run the docker-compose project.
You need to target the build against the correct major version of OpenNMS. To do this, edit the parent pom.xml and change the property
'''' <org.opennms.version>21.0.5</org.opennms.version> ''''
To match the version you are targeting.
to build used
mvn build install
Io install in OpenNMS,
- edit the opennms/etc/ file (this step is depricated) (post opennms 21.0.5, this is included in the standard file
add the following org.opennms.protocols.xml.config package to the property
org.opennms.protocols.xml.config;version=20.0.2, \
( matching your opennms version)
Edit and place the sample mqtt-interface-config.xml in the opennms/etc directory (the sample is in the main-module here:
Place the target kar built in kar-package into the OpenNMS/deploy directory.
restart opennms
If you log into the karaf consol (using ssh -p 8101 admin@localhost) and execute log:tail, you will see the feature deploy
you can send an example test message to the ReST interface using the Firefox HttpRequester plugin with the following raw (sniffy) request;
POST http://localhost:8980/opennms/plugin/mqtt/v1-0/postmessage/0/mqtt-events
Username: admin
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
{"time":"2017-12-13 09:03:43.004000","id":"6","formula1":"PM1.constant1+PM1.constant2", "constant1":"1200.0", "constant2":"34.0"}