Terraform Project Starter
Open Source Terraform Project Boilerplate handcrafted by the Practitioners at Gadgetry.io
- Company: Gadgetry, LLC
- Web: http://gadgetry.io
/project # Terraform Project
/files # Project Files, Scripts, etc
functions.sh # Wrapper Functions
/modules # Locally Sourced Modules (Organized by Provider)
/aws # Examples include aws, chef, github, rancher, etc.
/workspaces # Workspaces (Organized by Environment)
/ops # Operations Environment
/app_hubot # Stacks implement Modules/Resources per Workspace
/dev # Development Environment
/app_stack1 # Stacks can/will differ across Workspaces
/app_stack2 #
/app_stack3 # This modular approach will help provide flexibility
/app_stack4 # while improving your ability to manage drift across
/network # workspaces and module versions
/tst # Testing Environment
/stg # Staging Environment
/prd # Production Environment
terraform.sh # Terraform Wrapper (Consistent Workflow)