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Entity Object (Single Item Entities)

Steven Rollason edited this page Oct 23, 2019 · 1 revision

For single-item entities the following options are supported, see the section on multi-item entities for the options available for those.

name (optional)

This allows overriding the display name of the entity, otherwise the friendly name is used

icon (optional)

Allows overriding the icon of the entity

content_template (optional)

This allows the display format for that entity to be customised. The format is {{propertyname}}. The available properties are:

  • display_name The entity name (friendly name if not overridden with the name option)
  • state The state display name (based on device class of entity)

include_history (optional, defaults to false)

This allows the history of an entity to be displayed, rather than just its current state (states of "unknown" are automatically filtered out). This currently uses the history for the last day.

max_history (optional)

The maximum history of the entity to display, this defaults to 3 In addition any attribute of the entity can be used (do not prefix with attributes.).

remove_repeats (optional, defaults to true)

This controls whether to remove repeated states from the history (e.g. the current state is the same as the previous state). Since "unknown" states are filtered out, this will avoid an entity appearing twice because it changed from "on" to "unknown" and back again following a restart. This can be disabled by setting this to false.

state_map (optional)

This allows custom mappings of states to display names, to override the device_class based mappings. In the example below this is used to map the "not_home" state to "Unknown Destination" instead of the default "Away".

exclude_states (optional)

A list of states to exclude. By default this is just "unknown". For example: entities: - entity: sensor.front_door name: Front Door exclude_states: - "off" - "unknown"

format (optional, defaults to "relative")

How the timestamp should be formatted. Valid values are: relative, total, date, time and datetime.

more_info_on_tap (optional)

This is the same as the option of the same name at the top level. This allows for this setting to be overridden at the entity level.


type: 'custom:home-feed-card'
  title: Home Feed
  show_empty: false
  id_filter: ^home_feed_.*
      - entity: device_tracker.my_phone
        name: Me
        content_template: '{{display_name}} arrived at {{state}} ({{latitude}},{{longitude}})'
        include_history: true
        max_history: 5
        remove_repeats: false
          not_home: Unknown Destination