Design and build a website to showcase my tech skills and some of the projects I have worked on.
(This is a work in progress, I continue to build on it as my projects grow and my skills progress!)
- Single page, scrollable site.
- Hamburger menu (top right) expand to single line, full menu in desktop.
- Name/logo? (top left)
- About section
- Brief introduction
- Profile image
- Projects section
- Each project on a clickable button
- Each button to include info about project, idea, tech stack, challenges
- Animations on hover?
- Teck Stack section
- Logos for technologies
- Info section
- Links to GiHub
- Events attended
- Any other relevant info
- Footer with contact/social section
- Link to LinkedIn, Email, Twitter, GitHub
I started to create a wireframe to get ideas for layout flowing. The project has strayed from the original design a fair bit since then but this is where it started