Machine Learning Final Project using the yelp dataset
Result summary:
The following datasets are stored at:
- UserWithReviewDf.pkl 65MB
- train.pkl 247MB
- test.pkl 63MB
- inactiveUserDf.pkl 20MB
- inactiveReviewDf.pkl 120MB
- activeUserDf.pkl 5MB
- activeReviewDf.pkl 186MB
Parsed the 1.57GB user.json and did data cleaning. The result data frame is stored locally as userDfFile.csv which contains the follwing fields:
- average_stars float64
- review_count int64
- user_id object
- yelping_since object
Parse the 3.82GB review.json and does data cleaning. The result data frames are stored locally as reviewDfFile1.csv, reviewDfFile2,csv, reviewDfFile3.csv, reviewDfFile4.csv, which all contains the following data fields:
- review_id (string, 22 character unique review id)
- user_id (string, 22 character unique user id, maps to the user in user.json)
- business_id (string, 22 character business id, maps to business in business.json)
- stars (integer, star rating)
- date (string, date formatted YYYY-MM-DD)
- text (string, the review itself)
Sync userDfFile.csv wiht all reviewDfFile parsed from ParseUserJson and ParseReviewJson by counting the number of available reviews for each user, and collecting all available review_id. Users with <=80% reviews available are dropped. The result is stoed in UserWithReviewDf.pkl, which contains the following data fields:
- average_stars (float64, same as average_stars in the original user dataset)
- review_count (int64, same as review_count in the original user dataset)
- user_id (object, same as user_id in the original user dataset)
- yelping_since (object, same as yelping_since in the original user dataset)
- AvailPct (float64, review_count/AvailReviewCount)
- AvailReviewCount (int64, the length of the set stored in Reviews)
- Reviews (object, a set containing all available review_id that corresponding to the current user in the review datasets)
Then load UserWithReviewDf.pkl and drop users with review_count<AvailReviewCount
Subset users with review_count==1 as inactive users and export the data frame as inactiveUserDf.pkl
Subset users with review_count>=90 as active users and export the data frame as activeUserDf.pkl
Load reviewDfFile1.csv, reviewDfFile2,csv, reviewDfFile3.csv, reviewDfFile4.csv and subset all reviews with review_id in inactiveUserDf.pkl and export the data frame as inactiveReviewDf.pkl The length is 214054.
Subset all reviews with review_id in activeUserDf.pkl and export the data frame as activeReviewDf.pkl The length is 210572.
Sample 80% of reviews in inactiveReviewDf and concat them with a random sample 0f 80% reviews in activeReviewDf to form the train set. Export the train set as train.pkl
The rest is exported as test.pkl
length: 388904
Apply tf-idf and run naive Bayes classifier and Support Vector Machine model to predict whether a user is active or not with review contents. SVM achieves an accuracy of 80%.
Visualize tf-idf of a subset of active users and a subset of inactive users.
Contains scatterplot of review_count and average_stars, and some random experimentations with user and review data.
Collaborators can view brainstorm docs at
To see full documentations of the original json files: