This project is all about a demonstration of a BDD project using JBehave and Selenium. This project has an updated version of Thucydides (Serenity)
#How to do set up
For doing set up follow following steps
Clone this project in to your local folder using below command (this will work only if you have Git installed on your machine)
Now you can see a folder names Serenity-Demo in your local system
Note: Assuming you have installed maven on your machine
Now open the project in command line and hit following command
mvn eclipse:eclipse
Above command will download all related dependencies and configure your project in such a way that it can be imported using Eclipse
Now on the same command line, hit following command for executing the test
mvn verify
This command will compile the code and start the test execution
Now you are good to go
Sometimes during your releases, you find that certain functionality is not a good condidate for automation and its better to do a manual run of that test case, but you would still like to see in the overall test reports. then use a @manual tag in Meta: section of scenario
Scenario: Display social media links for a product
Now in your report just hovering on the screenhsot will show you the image as overlay, which helps in quick test analysis
Added the deep.step.execution.after.failures system property. This allows you to decide whether @Step methods should simply be skipped after a previous step has failed (the default: this is faster, but it means that only top-level steps will be reported), or if the subsequent steps will be executed in “dry-run” mode (will report on nested steps as well as the top level ones)
Improved error and exception reporting for RestAssured(REST Api) tests.
Many other smaller bug fixes and performance improvements
New commands are added for implicit and explicitg waits.
Latest Serenity has the libraries for latest version of Selenium