This script fixes few things in game and also adds new features
- Spells:
Area spells or charged spells have 100% to apply effect
Quick casted spells have 10% chance to apply effect (optional, QuickCastChance in config) - Melee:
Normal attacks have 30% chance to apply
Power attacks have 35% chance to apply - Ranged:
Based on the bow's tension force
Companions that are following Hero will now attack enemies immediately when Hero or other companion is targeted and attacked.
This feature can be toggled on/off with a hotkey while in-game (default: APOSTROPHE)
There is an icon added in top right corner of the screen representing current status.
Green shield - standard, vanilla game behaviour, companions are more passive
Red clashing swords - new behaviour, companions are more aggressive
Icon is only visible when there are companions in Hero's party.
Icon size and position can be changed in config
CompanionIconSize - Size of the icon (default: 16)
CompanionIconPosTopX - Position in X-axis in percentage (default: 98.5, min: 0.0, max: 100.0)
CompanionIconPosTopY - Position in Y-axis in percentage (default: 2.5, min: 0.0, max: 100.0)
Companions that are too far away from Hero will be teleported near Hero, distance for this check is Entity.ROI - 250.0
(optional, TeleportCompanionTooFarAway in config)
If Player cancels routine of an NPC (by walking into the room or drawing a weapon) that is using interactive objects like beds, bookstands, NPC will try to take a few steps back and free the object, so Hero can use it now
or simply revive
when dead NPC is focused (it can only be focused if corpse was not looted yet)
or simply resetpos
when NPC is focused and not dead
NPC should be teleported to the destination point of their current routine
This feature is for mod developers, example modified working templates for Cure Disease and Antidote are included in optional zip file
Due to a bug with sound effects system, when near big waterfalls near Silden, game can get a bit laggy (for me it’s almost unplayable there).
Until a proper fix for that issue is found, I created this workaround.
(RemoveWaterfallSoundEffects in config, by default turned off)
Some monsters can respawn after few in-game days after being killed, this script prevents that
(optional, BlockMonsterRespawn in config, by default turned off)
Extract inside main directory of Gothic 3 (where Gothic3.exe is placed).
If you want Cure Disease potion and Antidote to work without that stupid spell animation, extract also inside main directory.