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Stefouch edited this page Aug 12, 2021 · 5 revisions

Weapon Sheet

T2K4E Weapon Sheet

  1. The quantity of the weapon (usually one unit)
  2. The name of the weapon
  3. The Modifier tab allows you to write down any additional roll modifiers
  4. The weapon's features
  5. Attribute and skill used by the weapon
  6. The magazine loaded (see below)
  7. The weapon's properties:
  • Two-Handed: Whether the weapon uses both hands
  • Ammo-Belt: Whether the encumbrance of the magazine loaded in the weapon should be counted.
  • Mounted: Whether the weapon can only be used if mounted
  • Armored: Whether the weapon is armored (used to calculate vehicle damage)
  • Disposable: (mostly for grenades) Whether a unit of this item should be discarded after use
  • Equipped: (only in character sheet) Whether the item is in the character's hands
  • Stored in the backpack: (only in character sheet) Whether the item is stored in the character's backpack

How To Load Your Weapon

  1. Create an Ammunition item.

  2. Create a Weapon item. Then, in the Magazine drop-down, choose one of the available magazine in the character's inventory.

ℹ️ Note: If you choose the weapon's name as the magazine, it will consume it's quantity units instead. One unit is consumed per results on the ammo dice rolled (if any). If you want to consume always and only 1 unit per use, instead you should check the "Disposable" property.

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