Swift-Lite is a super lean version of Swift built for small arm SBC's like the Raspberry Pi running the Debian based Linux OS Raspbian. Swift-Lite uses meta-tags combined with a special build utility to make constructing a multi-file Swift project with Module and Library dependancies simple and easy. Swift Modules can be used in much the same way you would use a Framework or a Library.
Swift-Lite is built from the official repo on Swift.org. It includes Foundation, Dispatch and all the main core libraries of Swift.
Not included are the Swift add-ons such as Package Manager, REPL, LLDB and XCTest.
This results in a greatly reduced download and install size from 140MB/725MB to 44MB/240MB but without reducing or compromising the core functionality of the Swift language.
Swift-Lite Raspberry Pi Edition is a special Swift-Lite universal install for all Raspberry Pi models running Raspbian Stretch. Swift-Lite RPE includes the GPIO library so you can access and control the RPi GPIO pins without having to install any additional software.
Simply add import GPIO
to your Swift project file.
Swift-Lite RPE is cross compatible over all Raspberry Pi models. This means that a Swift executable that is built on the Raspberry Pi 3 will work on the Raspberry Pi Zero/A+/2 etc including GPIO support.
- Helloworld
- Flash LED Basic
- Flash LED using Timers
- HC-SR04 Ultrasonics Distance Measurement
- Date - Returns the current date in full style
- Time - Uses DispatchTime to insert wait time - Usage similar to usleep/sleep
- Command - Run terminal shell commands
- GPIO - Access and control the GPIO pins - Features auto board type detect for all Raspberry Pi's
SwiftX is now available.
SwiftX is a new build tool that incorporates swift-lite-build
, a swift
library builder and project export.
is a build utility that scans the swift project file for module and library dependencies and creates a custom swift build command to build the project. swift-lite-build
does this by scanning the included meta tags and import statements in the swift project file.
can be installed and used on any system or platform that has Swift installed on it.
To use simply type swift-lite-build
followed by the project file name
swift-lite-build helloWorld.swift
To use a project file with swift-lite-build add the following meta tags.
// name:helloworld
// type:project
// include:numbers.swift
// include:date.swift
To use a module file with swift-lite-build add the following meta tags.
// name:numbers
// type:module
- Project files can be located in any directory located in the
directory. - Module files must be located in a directory named
can be located in any directory located in the/home/user/
NOTE: There must only be one "swiftModules" directory.
also allows you to auto add pre-built swift libraries such as the GPIO libraries.
Swift libraries are added to the default /usr/lib
directory and can be used in a project by adding an "import" statement.
import GPIO