this repository's sicp_in_python
directory is for SICP in Python
original source: Berkeley CS61A Online Textbook
(Github book PDF ver. is useful but TeX script does not extend in PDF. You should refer original source especially after chapter 3.)
I use Python or Gauche (first I used Racket, but I changed to Gauche scheme processer) as Scheme processing system.
- P49 (2018/01/07)
- P53[1.6.3 Defining Functions III: Nested Difinitions (2018/01/13)
- P55[1.6.5 lambda expression] (2018/01/14)
- P63[1.6.8 Function Decorator] (2018/01/15)
============== Chapter 1 end ==============
- P88[2.3.6 Strings] (2018/01/15)
- P92[2.3.7 Conventional Interfaces] (2018/01/15)
- P124[2.5.6 Using Inheritance] (2018/01/17)
- P128[2.5.7 The Role of Objects] (2018/01/17)
- P130[2.6.1 Instances] (2018/01/21)
- P133[2.6.3 Using Implemented Objects] (2018/01/23)
- P140[2.7.2 Multiple Representations] (2018/01/25)
- P147[2.7.3 Generic Functions] (2018/01/26)
============== Chapter 2 end ==============
- P163[3.2.6 Example: Exponentiation] (2018/02/16)
- P165[3.3.1 Processing Recursive Lists] (2018/02/17)
- P173[3.3.3 Sets] (2018/02/17)
- P186[3.5.2 Parsing] (2018/02/17)
- P194[3.6.1 The Scheme Language] (2018/02/17)
- skipped [The Logo Language]
============== Chapter 3 end ==============
(just read)
============== Chapter 4 end ==============
- P244[5.2.5 Streams] (2018/02/18)
- P251[5.3.3 Multitasking] (2018/02/18)
============== Chapter 5 end ==============
All chpters are done! (2018/02/18)
directory is for original SICP
And I read Japanese translated version SICP
- P36[1.2.1 線形再帰と反復] (2018/02/26)