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The Official Fullstory dbt Package for Data Destinations

This dbt package contains models, macros, seeds, and tests for Fullstory's Data Destinations add-on.


model description
anonymous_users All users that have not been identified.
devices All events with their device information parsed.
events All events (incremental materialization possible)
identified_users All users who have been identified.
identities All identify events.
sessions Session-level aggregations, including event counts broken down by type, location and device information, duration, Fullstory session replay links, etc.
users User-level aggregations, including email addresses, location and device information, session counts, etc.


var description
fullstory_events_database The database where your Fullstory events table lives.
fullstory_events_schema The schema inside of your database where your Fullstory events table lives.
fullstory_events_table The name of the table inside your schema where your Fullstory events table lives.
fullstory_replay_host The hostname to use when building links to session replay.
fullstory_sessions_model_name The name of the model for the canonical list of sessions.
fullstory_anonymous_users_model_name The customized name of the anonymous_users model.
fullstory_devices_model_name The customized name of the `devices`` model.
fullstory_events_model_name The customized name of the `events`` model.
fullstory_identified_users_model_name The customized name of the identified_users model.
fullstory_identities_model_name The customized name of the `identities`` model.
fullstory_sessions_model_name The customized name of the `sessions`` model.
fullstory_skip_json_parse Whether or not to skip JSON parsing when processing the data, default False.
fullstory_users_model_name The customized name of the `users`` model.
fullstory_min_event_time All events before this date will not be considered for analysis. Use this option to limit table size.
fullstory_event_types A list of event types to auto-generate rollups for in the users and sessions model.

We highly recommend using fullstory_events_database, fullstory_events_schema and fullstory_events_table to indicate the location of the Fullstory events table that is synced from Data Destinations. Using these variables allow you to use a separate database or schema for the Fullstory events table than your dbt package.

Example use of vars for Big Query

  fullstory_events_database: my-gcp-project
  fullstory_events_schema: my-big-query-dataset
  fullstory_events_table: fullstory_events_[my-org-id]

Example use of vars for Snowflake

  fullstory_events_database: my_database
  fullstory_events_schema: my_schema
  fullstory_events_table: my_table

Example use of vars for Redshift or Redshift Serverless

  fullstory_events_database: my_database
  fullstory_events_schema: my_schema
  fullstory_events_table: my_table

Supported Warehouses

  • BigQuery
  • Snowflake
  • Redshift
  • Redshift Serverless

Example Profile Configurations


  target: prod
      type: bigquery
      method: oauth
      project: my-gcp-project
      dataset: my_dataset
      threads: 1


  target: prod
      type: snowflake
      user: my_admin_user
      password: ********
      role: my_admin_role
      database: fullstory
      warehouse: compute_wh
      schema: my_schema
      threads: 1
      client_session_keep_alive: False
      query_tag: [fullstory_dbt]


  target: prod
      type: redshift
      cluster_id: my-cluster-id
      method: iam
      port: 5439
      user: admin
      iam_profile: my-aws-profile
      dbname: dev
      schema: dbt
      region: us-east-1
      threads: 8
      connect_timeout: 30

Redshift Serverless

  target: prod
      type: redshift
      cluster_id: my-namespace-id
      method: iam
      port: 5439
      user: serverlessuser
      iam_profile: my-aws-profile
      dbname: dev
      schema: dbt
      region: us-east-1
      threads: 8
      connect_timeout: 30


General information about dbt packages can be found here.


  • dbt version >= 1.6.0
  • Fullstory Data Destination events table
    • In BigQuery, this table will be named fullstory_events_o_123_na1 where o-123-na1 is your org id.
      • Your org ID can be found in the URL when logged into fullstory.<your-org-id>/...
    • In Snowflake, this table will be named events.
    • The events table will be created the first time that Fullstory syncs event data to your warehouse.

Adding to an Existing Project

Include the following into your packages.yml file:

  - package: fullstorydev/dbt_fullstory
    revision: 0.6.0

Then, run dbt deps to install the package. We highly recommend pinning to a specific release. Pinning your version helps prevent unintended changes to your warehouse.

To use the seed tables which have some info around common types, run:

dbt seed

Incremental modeling

DBT provides a powerful mechanism for improving the performance of your models and reducing query costs: incremental models. An incremental model only processes new or updated records since the last run, thereby saving significant processing power and time.

If you are running DBT on a regular interval, be aware that dbt run will take longer to run with the incremental materialization than with a view materialization.

In this package, it is important to start with the incrementalization of the events model, since it functions as an activity log and is an ancestor to all models in this package. If you do decide you need more incrementalization than just the events table, you should consider incrementalizing the ancestor models of your target model in order to reap the biggest benefit.

Getting started with incremental models

You can configure your project to load the events table from this package incrementally. All you need to do is add a configuration block for the dbt_fullstory project under the models key in your dbt_project.yml:

# Configuring models
# Full documentation:

  dbt_fullstory: # The package name you are customizing
        materialized: incremental
          field: updated_time
          data_type: timestamp
          granularity: day
    events: # The model name
      materialized: incremental
      # The following options are Big Query specific optimizations. For specific configuration options for your warehouse see:
        field: event_time
        data_type: timestamp
        granularity: day
        - device_id
    sessions: # The model name
      materialized: incremental
      # The following options are Big Query specific optimizations. For specific configuration options for your warehouse see:
        field: updated_time
        data_type: timestamp
        granularity: day
        - user_id

When loading data incrementally, DBT needs to know how far back to look in the current table for data to compare to the incoming data. We will look back 2 days for data to update by default. This interval can be configured with the variable fullstory_incremental_interval_hours.

Two days was decided upon because we typically drop late arriving events after 24 hours. To understand why a event may arrive late, please check out this article on swan songs.

This incremental interval is important; it can limit the cost of a query by greatly reducing the amount of work that needs to be done in order to add new data. Ultimatley, this setting will be specific to your needs; we recommend starting with the default and updating once you understand the trends of your data set.


  • Use incrementally-loaded models judiciously: While incremental loading does improve performance and cut costs, it adds some complexity to managing your dbt project. Ensure you need the trade-off before implementing it.

  • Aggregation challenges: Aggregations in incrementally-loaded models can be challenging and unreliable. When performing aggregations (such as count, sum, average), best practice is to refresh the complete model to include all data in the aggregation. Incrementally updating aggregated data can yield incorrect results because of missing or partially updated data.

Think about whether using date-partitioned tables, continuous rollups (using window functions), or occasionally running full-refreshes might serve your use case better.

Remember, fine tuning model performance and costs is a balancing act. Incremental models may not suit all scenarios, but when managed correctly, they can be incredibly powerful. Start with the events model, measure the benefits, and then increment other models as necessary. Happy modeling!

Other models

Although, we often find the incrementalization of the events model to be sufficient, you can customize the materialization method of any model in this package. Enabling additional incrementalization can be done in the same way as the events table, simply add a configuration block to your dbt_project.yml.

Running Integration Tests

The integration_tests directory is a DBT project itself that depends on dbt_fullstory. We use this package to test how our models will execute in the real world as it simulates a live environment and is used in CI to hit actual databases. If you wish, you can run these tests locally. All you need is a target configured in your profiles.yml that is authenticated to a supported warehouse type.

Internally, we name our profiles after the type of warehouse we are connecting (e.g. bigquery, snowflake, etc.). It makes the command more clear, like: dbt run --target bigquery.

To create the test data in your database:

dbt seed --target my-target

To run the shim for your warehouse:

The shim will emulate how data is synced for your particular warehouse. As an example, data is loaded in JSON columns in Snowflake but as strings in BigQuery. You can choose from:

  • bigquery_events_shim
  • snowflake_events_shim
dbt run --target my-target --select <my-warehouse>_events_shim 

To run the models:

dbt run --target my-target

To run the tests:

dbt test --target my-target