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Add DownsampleVcf tool
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TedBrookings committed Mar 29, 2024
1 parent 3a74fd2 commit 06065c6
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281 changes: 281 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/com/fulcrumgenomics/vcf/DownsampleVcf.scala
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@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
package com.fulcrumgenomics.vcf

import com.fulcrumgenomics.FgBioDef._
import com.fulcrumgenomics.commons.util.LazyLogging
import com.fulcrumgenomics.fasta.SequenceDictionary
import com.fulcrumgenomics.sopt.{arg, clp}
import com.fulcrumgenomics.util.{Metric, ProgressLogger}
import com.fulcrumgenomics.vcf.api.Allele.NoCallAllele
import com.fulcrumgenomics.vcf.api.{Allele, Genotype, Variant, VcfCount, VcfFieldType, VcfFormatHeader, VcfHeader, VcfSource, VcfWriter}
import com.fulcrumgenomics.cmdline.{ClpGroups, FgBioTool}
import com.fulcrumgenomics.vcf.DownsampleVcf.{downsampleAndRegenotype, winnowVariants}

import scala.math.log10
import scala.util.Random

object DownsampleVcf extends LazyLogging {
/** Removes variants that are within a specified distance from a previous variant
* The end position of the current variant is compared with the start position of the following variant
* @param variants an iterator of the variants to process
* @param windowSize the interval (exclusive) in which to check for additional variants.
* windowSize considers the distance between the end position of a variant
* with the start position of the following variant
* @param dict a sequencing dictionary to get contig ordering
* @return a new iterator of variants with just the variant entries we want to keep
def winnowVariants(variants: Iterator[Variant], windowSize: Int, dict: SequenceDictionary): Iterator[Variant] = {
require(windowSize >= 0, f"the windowSize ($windowSize) is negative")
new Iterator[Variant] {
private val iter = variants.bufferBetter

def hasNext: Boolean = iter.hasNext

def isInOrder(current: Variant, next: Variant, currentIndex: Int, nextIndex: Int): Boolean = {
(currentIndex < nextIndex) || (currentIndex == nextIndex && current.end <= next.pos)

def next(): Variant = {
val current =
val currentIndex = dict(current.chrom).index
iter.dropWhile { next: Variant =>
val nextIndex = dict(next.chrom).index
isInOrder(current, next, currentIndex, nextIndex),
f"variants out of order; ${current.chrom}:${current.pos} > ${next.chrom}:${next.pos}")

currentIndex == nextIndex && next.pos - current.end < windowSize

/** Downsamples variants using Allele Depths
* @param oldAds an indexed seq of the original allele depths
* @param proportion the proportion to use for downsampling,
* calculated using total base count from the index and a target base count
* @return a new IndexedSeq of allele depths of the same length as `oldAds`
def downsampleADs(oldAds: IndexedSeq[Int], proportion: Double, random: Random): IndexedSeq[Int] = {
require(proportion <= 1, f"proportion must be less than 1: proportion = ${proportion}") => Range(0, s) => random.nextDouble()).count(_ < proportion))

* Does the downsampling on a Variant
* @param variant the variant with the genotype to downsample
* @param proportions a map of downsampling target proportions for each sample
* @param random random number generator for downsampling
* @param epsilon the error rate for genotyping
* @return a new variant with updated genotypes
// Returns a new variant that has downsampled ADs, recomputed PLs and updated genotypes
def downsampleAndRegenotype(variant: Variant, proportions: Map[String, Double], random: Random, epsilon: Double = 0.01): Variant = {
try {
variant.copy(genotypes = { case (sample, gt) =>
val proportion = proportions(sample)
sample -> downsampleAndRegenotype(gt = gt, proportion = proportion, random = random, epsilon = epsilon)
} catch {
case e: MatchError => throw new Exception(

Check warning on line 83 in src/main/scala/com/fulcrumgenomics/vcf/DownsampleVcf.scala

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L83 was not covered by tests
"processing " + + " at " + variant.chrom + ":" + variant.pos + "-" + variant.end, e

* Does the downsampling on a Genotype
* @param gt the genotype to downsample
* @param proportion the proportion to use for downsampling allele depths
* @param random random number generator for downsampling
* @param epsilon the error rate for genotyping
* @return a new Genotype with updated allele depths, PLs and genotype
def downsampleAndRegenotype(gt: Genotype, proportion: Double, random: Random, epsilon: Double): Genotype = {
val oldAds = gt[IndexedSeq[Int]]("AD")
val newAds = downsampleADs(oldAds, proportion, random)
val Seq(aa, ab, bb) = computePls(newAds)
val Seq(alleleA, alleleB) = gt.alleles.toSeq

val calls = {
if (aa == 0 && ab == 0 && bb == 0) IndexedSeq(NoCallAllele, NoCallAllele)
else if (aa < ab && aa < bb) IndexedSeq(alleleA, alleleA)
else if (bb < ab && bb < aa) IndexedSeq(alleleB, alleleB)
else IndexedSeq(alleleA, alleleB)
gt.copy(attrs = Map("PL" -> IndexedSeq(aa, ab, bb), "AD" -> newAds, "DP" -> newAds.sum), calls = calls)

* Compute the genotype likelihoods given the allele depths.
* @param ads The allele depths to generate likelihoods from
* @return a list of three likelihoods
def computePls(ads: IndexedSeq[Int]): IndexedSeq[Int] = {
val likelihoods = Likelihoods(ads(0), ads(1))
IndexedSeq(likelihoods.aa.round.toInt, likelihoods.ab.round.toInt,

object Likelihoods {
/** Computes the likelihoods for each possible genotype.
* @param alleleDepthA the reference allele depth
* @param alleleDepthB the alternate allele depth
* @param epsilon the error rate for genotyping
* @return a new `Likelihood` that has the likelihoods of AA, AB, and BB
def apply(alleleDepthA: Int, alleleDepthB: Int, epsilon: Double = 0.01): Likelihoods = {
val aGivenAA = log10(1 - epsilon)
val aGivenBB = log10(epsilon)
val aGivenAB = log10((1 - epsilon) / 2)

val rawGlAA = ((alleleDepthA * aGivenAA) + (alleleDepthB * aGivenBB)) * -10
val rawGlBB = ((alleleDepthA * aGivenBB) + (alleleDepthB * aGivenAA)) * -10
val rawGlAB = ((alleleDepthA + alleleDepthB) * aGivenAB) * -10

val minGL = math.min(math.min(rawGlAA, rawGlAB), rawGlBB)

aa = rawGlAA - minGL,
ab = rawGlAB - minGL,
bb = rawGlBB - minGL

/** Stores the log10(likelihoods) for all possible bi-allelic genotypes.
* @param aa likelihood of AA
* @param ab likelihood of AB
* @param bb likelihood of BB
case class Likelihoods(aa: Double, ab: Double, bb: Double) {
def pls = IndexedSeq(aa.round.toInt, ab.round.toInt, bb.round.toInt)

@clp(group = ClpGroups.VcfOrBcf, description =
|DownsampleVcf takes a vcf file and metadata with sequencing info and
|1. winnows the vcf to remove variants within a specified distance to each other,
|2. downsamples the variants using the provided allele depths and target base count by
| re-computing/downsampling the allele depths for the new target base count
| and re-computing the genotypes based on the new allele depths
|and writes a new downsampled vcf file.
|For single-sample VCFs, the metadata file can be omitted, and instead you can specify originalBases.
class DownsampleVcf
(@arg(flag = 'i', doc = "The vcf to downsample.") val input: PathToVcf,
@arg(flag = 'm', doc = "Index file with bases per sample.") val metadata: Option[FilePath] = None,
@arg(flag = 'b', doc = "Original number of bases (for single-sample VCF)") val originalBases: Option[Double] = None,
@arg(flag = 'n', doc = "Target number of bases to downsample to.") val downsampleToBases: Double,
@arg(flag = 'o', doc = "Output file name.") val output: PathToVcf,
@arg(flag = 'w', doc = "Winnowing window size.") val windowSize: Int = 150,
@arg(flag = 'e', doc = "Error rate for genotyping.") val epsilon: Double = 0.01,
@arg(flag = 'c', doc = "True to write out no-calls.") val writeNoCall: Boolean = false)
extends FgBioTool {
require(downsampleToBases > 0, "target base count must be greater than zero")
require(windowSize >= 0, "window size must be greater than or equal to zero")
require(0 <= epsilon && epsilon <= 1, "epsilon/error rate must be between 0 and 1")
originalBases match {
case Some(x) =>
require(x > 0, "originalBases must be greater than zero")
require(metadata.isEmpty, "Must pass either originalBases (for single-sample VCF) or metadata, not both")
case None =>
require(metadata.isDefined, "Must pass either originalBases (for single-sample VCF) or metadata, not both")

override def execute(): Unit = {
val vcf = VcfSource(input)
val progress = ProgressLogger(logger, noun = "variants")
val proportions = (
originalBases match {
case Some(x) =>
require(vcf.header.samples.length == 1, "--original-bases requires a single-sample VCF")
LazyList(vcf.header.samples.head -> math.min(downsampleToBases / x, 1.0))
case _ => new RuntimeException))
.filter(s => vcf.header.samples.contains(s.SAMPLE_NAME))
.map(sample => sample.SAMPLE_NAME -> math.min(downsampleToBases / sample.BASE_COUNT.toDouble, 1.0))
proportions.foreach { case (s, p) =>"Downsampling $s with proportion ${p}%.4f") }

val winnowed = if (windowSize > 0) winnowVariants(vcf.iterator, windowSize = windowSize, dict = vcf.header.dict) else vcf.iterator
val outputVcf = VcfWriter(path = output, header = buildOutputHeader(vcf.header))

val random = new Random(42)
winnowed.foreach { v =>
val ds = downsampleAndRegenotype(v, proportions = proportions, random = random, epsilon = epsilon)
if (writeNoCall) {
outputVcf += ds
else if (!ds.gts.forall(g => g.isNoCall)) {
outputVcf += ds


def buildOutputHeader(in: VcfHeader): VcfHeader = {
val fmts = Seq.newBuilder[VcfFormatHeader]
fmts ++= in.formats

if (!in.format.contains("AD")) {
fmts += VcfFormatHeader(id="AD", count=VcfCount.OnePerAllele, kind=VcfFieldType.Integer, description="Per allele depths.")

Check warning on line 237 in src/main/scala/com/fulcrumgenomics/vcf/DownsampleVcf.scala

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if (!in.format.contains("DP")) {
fmts += VcfFormatHeader(id="DP", count=VcfCount.Fixed(1), kind=VcfFieldType.Integer, description="Total depth across alleles.")

if (!in.format.contains("PL")) {
fmts += VcfFormatHeader(id="PL", count=VcfCount.OnePerGenotype, kind=VcfFieldType.Integer, description="Per genotype phred scaled likelihoods.")

Check warning on line 245 in src/main/scala/com/fulcrumgenomics/vcf/DownsampleVcf.scala

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Added line #L245 was not covered by tests

in.copy(formats = fmts.result())

object Sample {
/** Load a set of samples from the 1KG metadata file. */
def read(path: FilePath): Seq[Sample] = {
val lines = Io.readLines(path).dropWhile(_.startsWith("##")).map(line => line.dropWhile(_ == '#'))[Sample](lines=lines)

case class Sample(ENA_FILE_PATH: String = ".",
MD5SUM: String = ".",
RUN_ID: String = ".",
STUDY_ID: String = ".",
STUDY_NAME: String = ".",
CENTER_NAME: String = ".",
SUBMISSION_ID: String = ".",
SUBMISSION_DATE: String = ".",
SAMPLE_ID: String = ".",
POPULATION: String = ".",
EXPERIMENT_ID: String = ".",
LIBRARY_NAME: String = ".",
RUN_NAME: String = ".",
INSERT_SIZE: String = ".",
LIBRARY_LAYOUT: String = ".",
PAIRED_FASTQ: String = ".",
READ_COUNT: String = ".",
ANALYSIS_GROUP: String = ".") extends Metric

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