Core Controlled Vocabularies (CVs) for use in CMIP6
To register your institution or model or to register a new experiment, please submit an issue/ticket following the instructions on the CMIP6_CVs issue page. Follow the same procedure to request a change in any other CV.
Some support for CMIP participating modeling groups is available: [email protected]
To view the current experiment_id
entries point your browser to CMIP6_experiment_id.html
To view the current institution_id
entries point your browser to CMIP6_institution_id.html
To view the current source_id
entries point your browser to CMIP6_source_id.html
To view the current source_id_licenses
point your browser to CMIP6_source_id_licenses.html
The CVs build on logic that is described in the CMIP6 Global Attributes, DRS, Filenames, Directory Structure, and CV's document.
The controlled vocabularies for CMIP6 will be augmented (e.g., as new institutions, models and experiments are registered), but there should be no changes in the existing vocabulary that would impair searches of and access to already published data or that would in any way invalidate published data.