pip install easydict mxboard opencv-python tqdm
The host where horovodrun is executed must be able to SSH to all other hosts without any prompts.
Typically one GPU will be allocated per process, so if a server has 8 GPUs, you will run 8 processes. In horovodrun, the number of processes is specified with the -np flag.
To run on a machine with 8 GPUs:
horovodrun -np 8 -H localhost:8 bash
To run on two machine with 16 GPUs:
horovodrun -np 16 -H ip1:8,ip2:8 bash
Run horovodrun --check
to check the installation of horovod.
# Horovod v0.19.2:
# Available Frameworks:
# [ ] TensorFlow
# [X] PyTorch
# [X] MXNet
# Available Controllers:
# [X] MPI
# [X] Gloo
# Available Tensor Operations:
# [X] NCCL
# [ ] DDL
# [ ] CCL
# [X] MPI
# [X] Gloo
Some versions of mxnet with horovod have bug.
It is recommended to try version 1.5 or 1.6.
The community has found that mxnet1.5.1 cannot install horovod.
# Make sure your cuda version is same as mxnet, such as mxnet-cu101 (CUDA 10.1)
/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc -V
# nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver
# Copyright (c) 2005-2019 NVIDIA Corporation
# Built on Wed_Apr_24_19:10:27_PDT_2019
# Cuda compilation tools, release 10.1, V10.1.168
You can turn on the debug mode to check whether your slow training speed is the cause of IO.
If you find that your training speed is the io bottleneck, you can mount dataset to RAM, using the following command.
# If your RAM has 256G
sudo mkdir /train_tmp
mount -t tmpfs -o size=140G tmpfs /train_tmp
[[ 2.4450580e-03 -3.6629855e-03 -5.4821405e-03 ... 1.7617886e-03
-1.7111700e-02 -1.2869146e-04]
[-4.0940483e-04 -5.2541954e-04 -3.5010649e-05 ... 3.8271716e-03
2.9155412e-03 -2.8612907e-03]
[-5.4146082e-04 8.5490878e-04 2.6085819e-03 ... -1.0771470e-03
1.6705096e-02 8.4809829e-03]
[-9.8874152e-04 -8.9934692e-03 9.2194683e-04 ... 2.4383611e-03
5.3678402e-03 -3.4479324e-03]
[-2.9350563e-03 -1.1713833e-02 -8.6075356e-03 ... -3.1413541e-03
2.2503075e-03 1.0103217e-02]
[ 9.6949777e-03 -1.5208530e-03 3.0143571e-03 ... 3.1245875e-03
-5.2550877e-03 2.3517154e-05]]
<NDArray 45029x512 @gpu(7)>]