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SVCOMP23 release

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@leventeBajczi leventeBajczi released this 28 Oct 23:31

SV-COMP 2023 submission

This release contains binaries for the 2023 SV-COMP competition.

Minimal necessary packages for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS:

  • openjdk-17-jre-headless
  • libgomp1
  • libmpfr-dev

Contents of the Submission

├── - contains information on the main contributors to Theta
├── - contains the licensing information for packaged dependencies
├── LICENSE - contains the license for Theta
├── - this file
├── complex.kts - the portfolio script used this year
├── lib - contains the library dependencies
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── solvers - contains further dependencies (SMT-solvers), each having their respective licenses attached
│   ├── bitwuzla
│   │   └── 3ea759df11285e722b565c0b5c132dc0bb77066f
│   ├── cvc5
│   │   └── 1.0.2
│   ├── mathsat
│   │   ├── 5.6.8
│   │   └── fp
│   ├── princess
│   │   └── 2022-07-01
│   ├── smtinterpol
│   │   └── 2.5-1230
│   └── z3
│       ├── 4.10.1
│       └── 4.11.2
├── theta-smtlib.jar - the jarfile for installing and managing smt solvers (not necessary unless different solver versions are required)
├── - the starting script of Theta
└── theta.jar - the main jarfile of Theta


This packaged version of Theta is equipped with the necessary SMT solvers, libraries and binary version of Theta. To use it, one has to simply execute with the desired parameters. The first parameter must be the name of the input task (except when using --version). The script provides the --smt-home directory to Theta.
The tool is used with the following parameters on SV-Comp 2023:

--witness-only \
--portfolio COMPLEX \
--loglevel RESULT

For a more verbose output, change --witness-only to --output-results and --loglevel to MAINSTEP, SUBSTEP, INFO or DETAIL.
For more parameters, check out the documentation on CEGAR (might not be up to date on every parameter, but gives a detailed explanation on them) and the main class of the XCFA frontend.