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ESPHome component: AwoX BLE mesh (mqtt) hub

A ESPhome component ( to create a MQTT hub for your AwoX BLE mesh devices.

You will need your mesh credentials, easiest way to find/get these is to use this form to read them from your AwoX Cloud account.


When setup the component will scan for AwoX BLE mesh devices and publish discovery messages for each device on MQTT. When using HomeAssistant the device will show up under the MQTT integration. And you can (re)name the devices there.

Each device type/product can be configured by product_id so it gets the correct features in HomeAssistant.

The product id needed for the configuration is shown in model string of the mqtt discovery message/HomeAssistant device info. See yaml options

Config examples known devices
-  product_id: 0x13
   device_type: RGB
   name: SmartLIGHT Color Mesh 9
   model: SMLm_C9
   manufacturer: AwoX

-  product_id: 0x14
   device_type: WHITE_TEMP
   name: SmartLIGHT White Mesh 13W
   model: SMLm_W13
   manufacturer: AwoX

-  product_id: 0x15
   device_type: RGB
   name: SmartLIGHT Color Mesh 13W
   model: SMLm_C13
   manufacturer: AwoX

-  product_id: 0x16
   device_type: WHITE_TEMP
   name: SmartLIGHT White Mesh 15W
   model: SMLm_W15
   manufacturer: AwoX

-  product_id: 0x17
   device_type: RGB
   name: SmartLIGHT Color Mesh 15W
   model: SMLm_C15
   manufacturer: AwoX

-  product_id: 0x21
   device_type: WHITE_TEMP
   name: SmartLIGHT White Mesh 9W
   model: SSMLm_w9
   manufacturer: AwoX

-  product_id: 0x22
   device_type: RGB
   name: SmartLIGHT Color Mesh 9W
   model: SSMLm_c9
   manufacturer: AwoX

-  product_id: 0x23
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLOBulb A60 9W
   model: ESMLm_c9
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x24
   device_type: RGB
   name: Keria SmartLIGHT Color Mesh 9W
   model: KSMLm_c9
   manufacturer: KERIA

-  product_id: 0x25
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLOPanel 30X30
   model: EPanel_300
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x26
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLOPanel 60X60
   model: EPanel_600
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x27
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLO Ceiling DOWNLIGHT
   model: EMod_Ceil
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x29
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLOBulb G95 13W
   model: ESMLm_c13g
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x2A
   device_type: RGB
   name: Keria SmartLIGHT Color Mesh 13W Globe
   model: KSMLm_c13g
   manufacturer: KERIA

-  product_id: 0x2B
   device_type: RGB
   name: SmartLIGHT Color Mesh 13W Globe
   model: SMLm_c13g
   manufacturer: AwoX

-  product_id: 0x30
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLOPanel 30X120
   model: EPanel_120
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x32
   device_type: RGB
   name: Spot 120
   model: EGLOSpot 120/w
   manufacturer: EGLO
   icon: mdis:wall-sconce-flat

-  product_id: 0x33
   device_type: RGB
   name: Spot 170
   model: EGLOSpot 170/w
   manufacturer: EGLO
   icon: mdi:wall-sconce-flat

-  product_id: 0x34
   device_type: RGB
   name: Spot 225
   model: EGLOSpot 225/w
   manufacturer: EGLO
   icon: mdi:wall-sconce-flat

-  product_id: 0x35
   device_type: RGB
   name: Giron-C 17W
   model: EGLO 32589
   manufacturer: EGLO
   icon: mdi:wall-sconce-flat

-  product_id: 0x36
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLO Ceiling GIRON 30
   model: ECeil_g38
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x37
   device_type: RGB
   name: SmartLIGHT Color Mesh 5W GU10
   model: SMLm_c5_GU10
   manufacturer: AwoX

-  product_id: 0x38
   device_type: RGB
   name: SmartLIGHT Color Mesh 5W E14
   model: SMLm_c5_E14
   manufacturer: AwoX

-  product_id: 0x3A
   device_type: RGB
   name: Keria SmartLIGHT Color Mesh 5W GU10
   model: KSMLm_c5_GU10
   manufacturer: KERIA

-  product_id: 0x3B
   device_type: RGB
   name: Keria SmartLIGHT Color Mesh 5W E14
   model: KSMLm_c5_E14
   manufacturer: KERIA

-  product_id: 0x3C
   device_type: RGB
   name: SmartLIGHT Color Mesh 5W GU10
   model: ESMLm_c5_GU10
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x3D
   device_type: RGB
   name: SmartLIGHT Color Mesh 5W E14
   model: ESMLm_c5_E14
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x3F
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLO Surface round
   model: EFueva_225r
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x40
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLO Surface square
   model: EFueva_225s
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x41
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLO Surface round
   model: EFueva_300r
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x42
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLO Surface square
   model: EFueva_300s
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x43
   device_type: RGB
   name: SmartLIGHT Color Mesh 9W
   model: SMLm_c9s
   manufacturer: AwoX

-  product_id: 0x44
   device_type: RGB
   name: SmartLIGHT Color Mesh 13W
   model: SMLm_c13gs
   manufacturer: AwoX

-  product_id: 0x45
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLOBulb A60 9W
   model: ESMLm_c9s
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x46
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLOBulb G95 13W
   model: ESMLm_c13gs
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x47
   device_type: RGB
   name: Keria SmartLIGHT Color Mesh 9W
   model: KSMLm_c9s
   manufacturer: KERIA

-  product_id: 0x48
   device_type: RGB
   name: Keria SmartLIGHT Color Mesh 13W Glob
   model: KSMLm_c13gs
   manufacturer: KERIA

-  product_id: 0x49
   device_type: DIM
   name: EGLOBulb A60 Warm
   model: ESMLm_w9w
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x4A
   device_type: DIM
   name: EGLOBulb A60 Neutral
   model: ESMLm_w9n
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x4B
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLO Ceiling
   model: ECeiling_30
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x4C
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLO Pendant
   model: EPendant_30
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x4D
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLO Pendant
   model: EPendant_20
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x4E
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLO Stripled 3m
   model: EStrip_3m
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x4F
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLO Stripled 5m
   model: EStrip_5m
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x50
   device_type: DIM
   name: Outdoor
   model: EOutdoor_w14w
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x51
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLOSpot
   model: ETriSpot_85
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x53
   device_type: RGB
   name: SmartLIGHT Color Mesh 9W
   model: SMLm_c9i
   manufacturer: AwoX

-  product_id: 0x54
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLOBulb A60 9W
   model: ESMLm_c9i
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x55
   device_type: RGB
   name: Keria SmartLIGHT Color Mesh 9W
   model: KSMLm_c9i
   manufacturer: KERIA

-  product_id: 0x56
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLOPanel 62X62
   model: EPanel_620
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x57
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLOPanel 45X45
   model: EPanel_450
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x59
   device_type: RGB
   name: SmartLIGHT Color Mesh 13W Globe
   model: SMLm_c13gi
   manufacturer: AwoX

-  product_id: 0x5A
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLOBulb G95 13W
   model: ESMLm_c13gi
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x5B
   device_type: RGB
   name: Keria SmartLIGHT Color Mesh 13W Globe
   model: KSMLm_c13gi
   manufacturer: KERIA

-  product_id: 0x5C
   device_type: RGB
   name: SmartLIGHT Color Mesh 9W
   model: SSMLm_c9i
   manufacturer: AwoX

-  product_id: 0x64
   device_type: WHITE_TEMP
   name: SmartLIGHT White Mesh 9W
   model: SMLm_w9
   manufacturer: AwoX

-  product_id: 0x65
   device_type: WHITE_TEMP
   name: SmartLIGHT White Mesh 9W
   model: ESMLm_w9
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x69
   device_type: RGB
   name: Ceiling GIRON 60
   model: ECeil_g60
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x6A
   device_type: WHITE_TEMP
   name: SmartLIGHT Bulb A60 Warm
   model: SMLm_w9w
   manufacturer: AwoX

-  product_id: 0x6F
   device_type: WHITE_TEMP
   name: EGLOBulb Filament G80
   model: ESMLFm-w6-G80
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x71
   device_type: WHITE_TEMP
   name: EGLOBulb Filament ST64
   model: ESMLFm-w6-ST64
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x75
   device_type: WHITE_TEMP
   name: EGLOBulb Filament G95
   model: ESMLFm-w6-G95
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x77
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLO Spot
   model: ESpot_c5
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x78
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLO Fraioli
   model: EFraioli_c17
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x79
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLO Frattina
   model: EFrattina_c18
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x7A
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLO Frattina
   model: EFrattina_c27
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x7B
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLOPanel 30 Round
   model: EPanel_r300
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x7C
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLOPanel 45 Round
   model: EPanel_r450
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x7D
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLOPanel 60 Round
   model: EPanel_r600
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x7E
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLOPanel 10X120
   model: EPanel_120_10
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x80
   device_type: WHITE_TEMP
   name: EPanel white round
   model: EPanel_w_round
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x81
   device_type: WHITE_TEMP
   name: EPanel white square
   model: EPanel_w_square
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x82
   device_type: WHITE_TEMP
   name: EPanel white rectangle
   model: EPanel_w_rect
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x83
   device_type: WHITE_TEMP
   name: ECeiling white round
   model: ECeiling-w
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x87
   device_type: WHITE_TEMP
   name: EGLO Tunable White
   model: EDoubleWhite
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x88
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLO Ceiling GIRON 80
   model: ECeil_g80
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x89
   device_type: WHITE_TEMP
   name: Outdoor Marchesa-C
   model: EMarchesa_C
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x8A
   device_type: WHITE_TEMP
   name: Outdoor Francari-C
   model: EFrancari_C
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x92
   device_type: RGB
   name: EPanel square
   model: EPanel_36W_square
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x94
   device_type: DIM
   name: EGLOBulb Filament ST64
   model: ESMLFm-w6w-ST64
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x95
   device_type: DIM
   name: EGLOBulb Filament G95
   model: ESMLFm-w6w-G95
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x96
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLO RGB+TW
   model: EGLO-RGB-TW
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x97
   device_type: WHITE_TEMP
   name: EGLO Tunable White
   model: EGLO-TW
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x99
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLO RGB+TW
   model: EGLO-RGB-TW
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x9A
   device_type: WHITE_TEMP
   name: EGLO Tunable White
   model: JBT_Gen_CCT_1
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x9B
   device_type: DIM
   name: EGLO Tunable White
   model: JBT_Gen_Dim_1
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0xA1
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLOLed Relax
   model: ELedRelax
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0xA2
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLOLed Stripe
   model: ELedStripe
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0xA3
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLOLed Plus
   model: ELedPlus
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0xA4
   device_type: WHITE_TEMP
   name: EGLOLed Plus TW
   model: ELedPlus-TW
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0xA5
   device_type: DIM
   name: EGLOLed Plus Dimmable
   model: ELedPlus-Dimm
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0xA6
   device_type: WHITE_TEMP
   name: EGLOBulb
   model: ESMLFm-w6-TW
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0xA7
   device_type: DIM
   name: EGLOBulb
   model: ESMLFm-w6-Dimm
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0xA8
   device_type: RGB
   name: ECeiling square
   model: ECeiling-24W-square
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0xA9
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLO RGB+TW
   model: EGLO-RGB-TW-IPSU
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0xAA
   device_type: WHITE_TEMP
   name: EGLO Tunable White
   model: EGLO-TW-IPSU
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0xAC
   device_type: RGB
   name: EGLO frameless
   model: EPanel-Frameless
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0xAD
   device_type: WHITE_TEMP
   name: EGLO Tunable White
   model: EDoubleWhite-ipsu
   manufacturer: EGLO

-  product_id: 0x97
   device_type: PLUG
   model: SMPWBm10AUS
   manufacturer: EGLO
   icon: mdi:power-socket-au

-  product_id: 0x9E
   device_type: PLUG
   model: SMPWBm10AUSb
   manufacturer: EGLO
   icon: mdi:power-socket-au

-  product_id: 0x90
   device_type: PLUG
   model: SMPWBm10CH
   manufacturer: EGLO
   icon: mdi:power-socket-ch

-  product_id: 0xA0
   device_type: PLUG
   model: SMPWBm10CHb
   manufacturer: EGLO
   icon: mdi:power-socket-ch

-  product_id: 0x67
   device_type: PLUG
   model: SMPWBm10FR
   manufacturer: EGLO
   icon: mdi:power-socket-fr

-  product_id: 0x84
   device_type: PLUG
   model: SMPWBm10FRa
   manufacturer: EGLO
   icon: mdi:power-socket-fr

-  product_id: 0x9C
   device_type: PLUG
   model: SMPWBm10FRb
   manufacturer: EGLO
   icon: mdi:power-socket-fr

-  product_id: 0x68
   device_type: PLUG
   model: SMPWBm10GE
   manufacturer: EGLO
   icon: mdi:power-socket-de

-  product_id: 0x85
   device_type: PLUG
   model: SMPWBm10GEa
   manufacturer: EGLO
   icon: mdi:power-socket-de

-  product_id: 0x9D
   device_type: PLUG
   model: SMPWBm10GEb
   manufacturer: EGLO
   icon: mdi:power-socket-de

-  product_id: 0x8F
   device_type: PLUG
   name:  EGLO PLUG PLUS
   model:  SMPWBm10UK
   manufacturer: EGLO
   icon: mdi:power-socket-uk

-  product_id: 0x9F
   device_type: PLUG
   model: SMPWBm10UKb
   manufacturer: EGLO
   icon: mdi:power-socket-uk

-  product_id: 0x8B
   device_type: PLUG
   name: EGLO PLUG
   model: ESMP-Bm10-AUS
   manufacturer: EGLO
   icon: mdi:power-socket-au

-  product_id: 0x8D
   device_type: PLUG
   name: EGLO PLUG
   model: ESMP-Bm10-CH
   manufacturer: EGLO
   icon: mdi:power-socket-ch

-  product_id: 0x62
   device_type: PLUG
   name: EGLO PLUG
   model: ESMP-Bm10-FR
   manufacturer: EGLO
   icon: mdi:power-socket-fr

-  product_id: 0x63
   device_type: PLUG
   name: EGLO PLUG
   model: ESMP-Bm10-GE
   manufacturer: EGLO
   icon: mdi:power-socket-de

-  product_id: 0x8C
   device_type: PLUG
   name: EGLO PLUG
   model: ESMP-Bm10-UK
   manufacturer: EGLO
   icon: mdi:power-socket-uk


The groups (called zone in AwoxHomeControl) are automaticly discovered as lights with the group id as name (example: Group 3).

When using HomeAssistant the groups will show up as a device under the MQTT integration. And you can (re)name the group/device there.

When 1 light in a group is on the group will be shown as on. If 1 light in the group is online the group will be shown online.

YAML options

For an example yaml see awox-ble-mesh-hub.yaml. For a full getting started see #71.

The available awox_mesh: config options:

mesh_name (string)

To connect to you device you need the mesh_name and mesh_password easiest way to find/get these is to use this form to read them from your AwoX Cloud account.

mesh_password (string)

See mesh_name

address_prefix (string - OPTIONAL)

The device will scan for available BLE devices and will use this prefix to filter discovered devices by MAC address.

Default value: A4:C1

min_rssi (number - OPTIONAL)

The device will scan for available BLE devices and will use this value to filter discovered devices by the RSSI value.

Default value: -90

allowed_mac_addresses (list of MAC addresses - OPTIONAL)

Instead of the address_prefix option you can configure a list of mac addresses that the hub is allowed to connect to. This enables you to exclude some devices that are often offline or to create multiple "mesh" networks when combined with the allowed_mesh_ids option.

    - A4:C1:38:8A:BA:11
    - A4:C1:38:65:AD:22

allowed_mesh_ids (list of numbers - OPTIONAL)

You can give a list of mesh_ids that only should be handled by this hub (ESPHome device). For example when you want to setup multiple ESP modules to only control a part of the mesh. Be sure to also set allowed_mac_addresses option to prevent that 1 device tries to connect to a mesh device that's not part of your allowed_mesh_ids list.

   - 12345
   - 23456
   - 6758

max_connections (number, min: 1, max: 3 - OPTIONAL)

In some situations the device that the hub connects to isn't able to reach the next device in the mesh. Then it can help that the hub connects to a different/additional device to be able to reach all device.

Default value: 2


List of device type descriptions.

    - product_id: 0x32
      device_type: RGB
      manufacturer: EGLO
      name: Spot 120
      model: EGLOSpot 120/w
      icon: mdi:wall-sconce-flat

For each product_id the available features and name + icon can be configured. Unknown devices will be recognized as a dimmable device (DIM).

product_id (hex value)

Each product type has a unique product_id (see above how to find the product_id of your devices).

device_type (RGB, DIM, WHITE_TEMP, PLUG)
  • RGB - RGB device
  • DIM - dimmable device
  • WHITE_TEMP - Dimmable and adjustable white color device
  • PLUG - Plug (or on/off) device
manufacturer (string)

The name of the product manufacturer.

Example value EGLO

The product name.

Example value Spot 120

The product model name.

Example value EGLOSpot 120/w
icon (string representing a mdi icon - OPTIONAL)

The product icon used for example in HomeAssistent as device icon.

Example value: mdi:wall-sconce-flat

General YAML / Setup remarks

  • Disable Home Assistant API (api:) to prevent frequent MQTT disconnections
  • Use the esp-idf as framework type


In case of using a WLAN with hidden SSID, mind to use the multiple netowrk option, to define the hidden variable of the wifi network: Connecting to Multiple Networks


  • ESP32 module
  • ESPHome 2024.2.0 or newer
  • MQTT broker


  • HomeAssistant 2023.8.0 or newer
  • ESPHome add-on for HomeAssistant
