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This was a project for CS50 web. The project description can be found on the OpenCourseWare project page.
- users can create a new post by submitting the new post form.
- The new post form is a rich text editor created using quilljs.
- Redirect to index which renders all of the posts.
- All posts are rendered on the index.html page.
- Displays current followers, and how many users the displayed user follows.
- All posts from that user are rendered
- Follow or unfollow button is displayed for all users except self.
- All posts that the current user follows are displayed
- If user is not authenticated, a 404 error is displayed.
- user would have to type in route manually.
- only 10 posts are displayed at a time.
- edit post button is displayed if current user is the user of a post.
- textarea is displayed with the text pre-filled with current post content.
- on save, the post is sent to the server via fetch call.
- no other user is able to edit another users post because the button is not displayed for posts that the current user did not create.
- Like and unlike buttons are displayed for posts that users did not create.
- Likes are updated with fetch and the display is updated with javascript.