- Reason Deprecated, Merge library become single library
- Please Using This : deltadox-android
- Available on Google Dev Library Click Here
- SDK for anything your problem to make easier developing android apps
- Migrate frogo-android-sdk to frogo-sdk Click Here
- Migrate frogo-android-ui-kit to frogo-ui Click Here
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The Meals API | Chuck Data 1 | Chuck Data 2 |
TV | Movie | Person |
This Is Latest Release
$version_release = 2.5.5
What's New??
* Update Code *
* Available for android and desktop *
* Migrate frogo-android-sdk to frogo-sdk *
* Migrate frogo-android-ui-kit to frogo-ui *
* Migrate Chuck Ready Software To ChuckerTeam/Chuck *
* Please Reimport RedColored Code *
* For Android >> Consume{class}Api - Sample : ConsumeNewsApi*
* For Desktop >> C{class}Api - Sample : CNewsApi *
// Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
// Add it in your root build.gradle.kts at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
dependencies {
// library frogo-consume-api
implementation 'com.github.frogobox:frogo-consume-api:2.5.5'
// library frogo-consume-api for desktop
implementation 'com.github.frogobox.frogo-consume-api:core-api:2.5.5'
dependencies {
// library frogo-consume-api
// library frogo-consume-api for desktop
frogoconsumeapi = "2.5.5"
frogo-consume-api = { group = "com.github.frogobox", name = "frogo-consume-api", version.ref = "frogoconsumeapi" }
frogo-consume-api-core = { group = "com.github.frogobox.frogo-consume-api", name = "core-api", version.ref = "frogoconsumeapi" }
dependencies {
// library frogo-consume-api
// library frogo-consume-api for desktop
Click for detail !!!
Eliminates the method of retrieving json data using retrofit repeatedly. so this project has a set of functions to retrieve data without the need for fetching data using the retrofit of the API
News API | Chuck Data 1 | Chuck Data 2 |
val consumeNewsApi = ConsumeNewsApi(NewsUrl.NEWS_API_KEY) // Your API_KEY
consumeNewsApi.usingChuckInterceptor(this) // Using Chuck Interceptor
consumeNewsApi.getTopHeadline( // Adding Base Parameter on main function
object : ConsumeApiResponse<ArticleResponse> {
override fun onSuccess(data: ArticleResponse) {
// Your Ui or data
override fun onFailed(statusCode: Int, errorMessage: String) {
// Your failed to do
override fun onShowProgress() {
// Your Progress Show
override fun onHideProgress() {
// Your Progress Hide
object NewsConstant {
const val CATEGORY_BUSINESS = "business"
const val CATEGORY_ENTERTAIMENT = "entertainment"
const val CATEGORY_GENERAL = "general"
const val CATEGORY_HEALTH = "health"
const val CATEGORY_SCIENCE = "science"
const val CATEGORY_SPORTS = "sports"
const val CATEGORY_TECHNOLOGY = "technology"
// Switch For Using Chuck Interceptor
fun usingChuckInterceptor(context: Context)
// Get Top Headline
fun getTopHeadline(
q: String?,
sources: String?,
category: String?,
country: String?,
pageSize: Int?,
page: Int?,
callback: FrogoDataResponse<ArticleResponse>
// Get Everythings
fun getEverythings(
q: String?,
from: String?,
to: String?,
qInTitle: String?,
sources: String?,
domains: String?,
excludeDomains: String?,
language: String?,
sortBy: String?,
pageSize: Int?,
page: Int?,
callback: FrogoDataResponse<ArticleResponse>
// Get Sources
fun getSources(
language: String,
country: String,
category: String,
callback: FrogoDataResponse<SourceResponse>
Click for detail !!!
Eliminates the method of retrieving json data using retrofit repeatedly. so this project has a set of functions to retrieve data without the need for fetching data using the retrofit of the API
The Meals API | Chuck Data 1 | Chuck Data 2 |
val consumeMealApi = ConsumeTheMealDbApi("1") Your API_KEY
consumeMealApi.usingChuckInterceptor(this) // Using Chuck Interceptor
consumeMealApi.listAllCateories(object : ConsumeApiResponse<MealResponse<Category>> {
override fun onSuccess(data: MealResponse<Category>) {
override fun onFailed(statusCode: Int, errorMessage: String) {
// Failed Status
override fun onShowProgress() {
// Show Your Progress View
override fun onHideProgress() {
// Hide Your Progress View
// Switch For Using Chuck Interceptor
fun usingChuckInterceptor(context: Context)
// Search meal by name
fun searchMeal(mealName: String, callback: FrogoDataResponse<MealResponse<Meal>>)
// List all meals by first letter
fun listAllMeal(firstLetter: String, callback: FrogoDataResponse<MealResponse<Meal>>)
// Lookup full meal details by id
fun lookupFullMeal(idMeal: String, callback: FrogoDataResponse<MealResponse<Meal>>)
// Lookup a single random meal
fun lookupRandomMeal(callback: FrogoDataResponse<MealResponse<Meal>>)
// List all meal categories
fun listMealCategories(callback: FrogoDataResponse<CategoryResponse>)
// List all Categories
fun listAllCateories(callback: FrogoDataResponse<MealResponse<Category>>)
// List all Area
fun listAllArea(callback: FrogoDataResponse<MealResponse<Area>>)
// List all Ingredients
fun listAllIngredients(callback: FrogoDataResponse<MealResponse<Ingredient>>)
// Filter by main ingredient
fun filterByIngredient(ingredient: String, callback: FrogoDataResponse<MealResponse<MealFilter>>)
// Filter by Category
fun filterByCategory(category: String, callback: FrogoDataResponse<MealResponse<MealFilter>>)
// Filter by Area
fun filterByArea(area: String, callback: FrogoDataResponse<MealResponse<MealFilter>>)
Click for detail !!!
Eliminates the method of retrieving json data using retrofit repeatedly. so this project has a set of functions to retrieve data without the need for fetching data using the retrofit of the API
Pixabay API | Chuck Data 1 | Chuck Data 2 |
val consumePixabayApi = ConsumePixabayApi(PixabayConstant.API_KEY) // Your API Key
consumePixabayApi.usingChuckInterceptor(this) // Using Chuck Interceptor
val query = "Nature"
object : ConsumeApiResponse<Response<PixabayImage>> {
override fun onSuccess(data: Response<PixabayImage>) {
// Place your UI / Data
override fun onFailed(statusCode: Int, errorMessage: String) {
// failed to do
override fun onShowProgress() {
// showing your progress view
override fun onHideProgress() {
// hide your progress view
// Switch For Using Chuck Interceptor
fun usingChuckInterceptor(context: Context)
// Search for Image
fun searchImage(
q: String,
lang: String?,
id: String?,
imageType: String?,
orientation: String?,
category: String?,
minWidth: Int?,
minHeight: Int?,
colors: String?,
editorsChoice: Boolean?,
safeSearch: Boolean?,
order: String?,
page: Int?,
perPage: Int?,
callback: FrogoDataResponse<Response<PixabayImage>>
// Search for Video
fun searchVideo(
q: String,
lang: String?,
id: String?,
videoType: String?,
category: String?,
minWidth: Int?,
minHeight: Int?,
editorsChoice: Boolean?,
safeSearch: Boolean?,
order: String?,
page: Int?,
perPage: Int?,
callback: FrogoDataResponse<Response<PixabayVideo>>
Click for detail !!!
Eliminates the method of retrieving json data using retrofit repeatedly. so this project has a set of functions to retrieve data without the need for fetching data using the retrofit of the API
The Sport DB API | Chuck Data 1 | Chuck Data 2 |
val consumeTheSportDbApi = ConsumeTheSportDbApi("1") // "1" is API KEY
consumeTheSportDbApi.usingChuckInterceptor(this) // This is Code Chuck Interceptor
"Danny Welbeck",
object : ConsumeApiResponse<Players> {
override fun onSuccess(data: Players) {
override fun onFailed(statusCode: Int, errorMessage: String) {
// failed result
override fun onShowProgress() {
// showing your progress view
override fun onHideProgress() {
// hiding your progress view
// Switch For Using Chuck Interceptor
fun usingChuckInterceptor(context: Context)
// Search for team by name
fun searchForTeamByName(teamName: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Teams>)
// Search for team short code
fun searchForTeamByShortCode(shortCode: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Teams>)
// Search for all players from team *Patreon ONLY*
fun searchForAllPlayer(teamName: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Players>)
// Search for players by player name
fun searchForPlayer(playerName: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Players>)
// Search for players by player name and team name
fun searchForPlayer(playerName: String?, teamName: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Players>)
// Search for event by event name
fun searchForEvent(eventName: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Events>)
// Search For event by event name and season
fun searchForEvent(eventName: String?, season: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Events>)
// Search for event by event file name
fun searchForEventFileName(eventFileName: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Events>)
// List all sports
fun getAllSports(callback: FrogoDataResponse<Sports>)
// List all leagues
fun getAllLeagues(callback: FrogoDataResponse<Leagues>)
// List all Leagues in a country
fun searchAllLeagues(countryName: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Countrys>)
// List all Leagues in a country specific by sport
fun searchAllLeagues(countryName: String?, sportName: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Countrys>)
// List all Seasons in a League
fun searchAllSeasons(idTeam: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Seasons>)
// List all Teams in a League
fun searchAllTeam(league: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Teams>)
// List all Teams in Sportname & Country Name
fun searchAllTeam(sportName: String?, countryName: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Teams>)
// List All teams details in a league by Id
fun lookupAllTeam(idLeague: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Teams>)
// List All players in a team by Team Id *Patreon ONLY*
fun lookupAllPlayer(idTeam: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Players>)
// List all users loved teams and players
fun searchLoves(userName: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Users>)
// League Details by Id
fun lookupLeagues(idLeague: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Leagues>)
// Team Details by Id
fun lookupTeam(idTeam: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Teams>)
// Player Details by Id
fun lookupPlayer(idPlayer: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Players>)
// Event Details by Id
fun lookupEvent(idEvent: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Events>)
// Player Honours by Player Id
fun lookupHonour(idPlayer: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Honors>)
// Player Former Teams by Player Id
fun lookupFormerTeam(idPlayer: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<FormerTeams>)
// Player Contracts by Player Id
fun lookupContract(idPlayer: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Contracts>)
// Lookup Table by League ID and Season
fun lookupTable(idLeague: String?, season: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Tables>)
// Next 5 Events by Team Id
fun eventsNext(idTeam: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Events>)
// Next 15 Events by League Id
fun eventsNextLeague(idLeague: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Events>)
// Last 5 Events by Team Id
fun eventsLast(idTeam: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Results>)
// Last 15 Events by League Id
fun eventsPastLeague(idLeague: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Events>)
// Events in a specific round by league id/round/season
fun eventsRound(idLeague: String?, round: String?, season: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Events>)
// All events in specific league by season (Free tier limited to 200 events)
fun eventsSeason(idLeague: String?, season: String?, callback: FrogoDataResponse<Events>)
Click for detail !!!
Eliminates the method of retrieving json data using retrofit repeatedly. so this project has a set of functions to retrieve data without the need for fetching data using the retrofit of the API
TV | Movie | Person | Chuck Data |
val consumeMovieApi = ConsumeMovieApi(MovieUrl.API_KEY) // your api_key
consumeMovieApi.usingChuckInterceptor(this) // This is Code Chuck Interceptor
object : ConsumeApiResponse<Changes> {
override fun onSuccess(data: Changes) {
override fun onFailed(statusCode: Int, errorMessage: String) {
// failed result
override fun onShowProgress() {
// showing your progress view
override fun onHideProgress() {
// hiding your progress view
- Chuck Interceptor Here
- Certifications Here
- Changes Here
- Collection Here
- Companies Here
- Configuration Here
- Credits Here
- Discover Here
- Find Here
- Genres Here
- Keyords Here
- Reviews Here
- Trending Here
- Networks Here
- Movies Here
- Search Here
- TV Here
- TV Seasons Here
- TV Episodes Here
- TV Episodes Groups Here
- People Here
Github Actions Hackathon (March 5-31, 2020) See list winner
⭐ This four-week hackathon challenges the community to create original GitHub Actions. Actions connect all of the tools in your workflow: You can solve problems, build containers, deploy to any cloud, and more.
Very open to anyone, I'll write your name under this, please contribute by sending an email to me
- Mail To [email protected]
- Subject : Github _ [Github-Username-Account] _ [Language] _ [Repository-Name]
- Example : Github_amirisback_kotlin_admob-helper-implementation
Name Of Contribute
- Muhammad Faisal Amir
- Waiting List
- Waiting List
Waiting for your contribute
- Please enjoy and don't forget fork and give a star
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