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👨💻 Senior Software Engineer at GitHub 💬 Open Source 📈 Databases, Protocols, & Architecture 🕹️ Game Dev hobbyist 🌯 Burrito Eater |
🐤 @fritzy 💻 npmjs.com/~fritzy |
🦍 Ape ECS is a performant and powerful Entity-Component-System JS library that provides Entity References and powerful/fast queries. It's most useful for simulations and games.
✨ SleekXMPP (deprecated) was a Python 2.x XMPP protocol library that was heavily used the solar power industry, used on major game consoles, used for the examples in XMPP: The Definitive Guide published by O'Reilly. When I stopped doing as much Python, Python 3 came out, and I made it Python 3 compatible, but never removed Python 2.7 support. A Python 3 fork called SliXMPP was made, and I recommend that going forward.
👇 staydown is a JS module that I wish more people would use because so many applications get chatlog scrolling and user-intention incorrect. This makes chat-style scrolling work the way users expect, like a native app.
👾 spacewar.pro (source) is a tribute to the DOS version of SPACEWAR.EXE from the '80s. It was an exercise in finishing a small game.
🎵 Dulcimer and it's dependency VeryModel was an ORM wrapper for leveldb. It managed relationships in a very primitive embedded object store allowing you to write advanced queries. It gained some popularity and we actively used it at &yet for bots and small projects. I enjoy pointing it out to people when they say, "I could write my own small NoSQL database." You could, but it's more work than you might think. Related: gatepost (VeryModel for Postgresql queries) and goalpost (use Postgresql as an object store, unfinished).
Games that I've written in HTML5 JavaScript.