Warcraft Armory allows you to easily query the World of Warcraft Armory site to retrieve information about your character.
Both US and EU servers are supported.
Written by Ariejan de Vroom
Andrea Nall
Copyright 2008 Ariejan de Vroom, Andrea Nall
This is the usual dislaimer. I’m not liable when you use this gem. Using it may be against the current (or future) terms of service from Blizzard or WoWarmory.com.
Simply install the RubyGem and require it in your project. If you’re on rails, require it in your config/environment.rb.
gem install anall-warcraft-armory --source http://gems.github.com
And require it when you need it:
require 'warcraft-armory'
Add the following to your environment.rb if you want to use Rails 2.1’s dependency manager (which is highly recommended):
config.gem "anall-warcraft-armory",
:lib => "warcraft-armory",
:source => "http://gems.github.com"
character = WarcraftAmory.find(:eu, 'Aszune', 'Nosius')
This will either return a WarcraftCharacter object or nil when not character information was found.