************************ Required Packages to be installed ***********************
- OSMPythonTools (pip install OSMPythonTools)
- overpy (pip install overpy)
- osmapi (pip install osmapi)
- geopy (pip install geopy)
************** Referring with "way ID" of the targeted house from OSM ************ ***************************** Categories of Buildings ****************************
Please collect the way ID of the targeted house from OSM (www.openstreetmap.org)
170174736, 295939671, 218948857, 218948877, 223414816, 223414764, 223414857 205786566, 223414806, 171971488, 171972244, 205506577, 223414602, 170174735
Note: The example way IDs are listed for the most common type "Rectangular Building" (About 95 percent). Please press 1 for category selection, while using with these way IDs.
- Please write in the search bar with the targetted house or building address
- Please press "Go"
- Please select the house from the listed search result
- From Way: abcdefghi where the way ID is "abcdefghi"
- The house visibility represents house category