Here, K means clustering, one of the mostly used machine learning algorithm, has been applied to determine sub-station placements.
*********************** Required Packages to be installed *************************
- Pandas
- scikit-learn
- Matplotlib
- Geopy
*********************** Note for path loss of "CSV" file *************************
The "Data_for_Sub_Station" is a csv file that consists of a geographical informations of an area. These informations will be used so as to find the most suitable placement of the substations based on clustering.
Please Note that the csv file location would be a bit different with mine after downloading the project.
Please, alter the path from line 11 of the code (main) changing the "USERNAME" based on your device user. Therefore, the code will work with the corresponding csv file named as "Data_for_Sub_Station" and provide result accordingly.
************************* Number of Substation Decision ***************************
efficiency of each house is calculated
by one and check avg efficiency again
is considered as sufficient for that place