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To Sign or not to Sign the ANE for iOS?

Andrew Hunt edited this page Jan 27, 2015 · 1 revision

If you look at the, you will see options for signing your ANE for use with iOS. If you don't want to go the hassle, you can modify the build.xml to not use signing. Just comment out these lines in the build.xml:

<target name="package" description="Create the extension package">
	<exec executable="${sdk.home}/bin/adt" failonerror="true" dir="../temp">
		<arg value="-package"/>
		<arg value="-target"/>
		<arg value="ane"/>
		<arg value="${name}.ane"/>
		<arg value="../build/extension.xml"/>
		<arg line="-swc swc/${name}.swc"/>
		<arg line="-platform iPhone-ARM -platformoptions ../build/platform.xml -C ios/ ."/>
		<arg line="-platform default -C default/ ."/>
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