This repo is meant for the bowling kata using a london-tdd-approach
At Fresh-Bowl, we organize a weekly bowling game. After each game, we receive a file from the bowling system and manually calculate the total scores. As you can imagine, this process is time-consuming and prone to errors. Therefore, we want to automate this process. Specifically, we aim to have a system where we can upload a game file, process it to determine the game's winner, and store individual player statistics for long-term tracking.
Goals of the new System
- Input Processing: Accept the game file and extract player information.
- Score Calculation: Calculate each player’s total score according to bowling rules.
- Winner Determination: Identify the winner of the game based on scores.
- Data Storage: Store each player’s game details, including the game date, score, and finishing position. If a player’s record already exists, append the new data to their file.
- Statistics: WProvide end-of-year reports for players, including their average score and the number of games won.
Game Processing Steps
- Extract each player's name and roll data from the input file.
- Compute scores for each player following bowling rules.
- Determine the winner based on the highest score.
- Save game information for each player (e.g., game date, score, position) in their respective files.
- Return the name of the winner. Or Draw: player1, player2
FileName: Game_2_2024_11_15 (format:Game_x_YYYY_MM_DD)
Sjaak, 1,4,4,5,6,4,5,5,10,0,1,7,3,6,4,10,2,8,6
Piet, 10,1,3,8,2,10,0,0,8,0,7,2,8,1,10,10,10,6
Each Line starts with the players name, continuing with the pins rolled for each throw.
A game consists of 10 frames, with each frame allowing a maximum of two rolls to knock down 10 pins.
Spare: If all 10 pins are knocked down in two rolls, the frame's score includes the 10 pins plus a bonus equal to the number of pins knocked down on the next roll. Example: Rolls 4,6,4 → Frame score = 10 (spare) + 4 (bonus) = 14.
Strike: If all 10 pins are knocked down in the first roll of a frame, the frame's score includes the 10 pins plus a bonus equal to the total of the next two rolls.
10th Frame Special Rule: If a player scores a spare in the 10th frame, they get 1 extra roll for the bonus. If a player scores a strike in the 10th frame, they get 2 extra rolls for the bonus.