Tajo Desktop Package Installation
“Tajo Desktop Package” is stand-alone version of Apache Tajo(TM), packaged by Gruter, Inc. It provides an easy way to set up Tajo DW engine on your Linux and Mac. Enjoy Tajo on your desktop!
Supported OS Linux, Mac
Prerequisites JVM 1.6.0 or higher
3.1. Extract the package file in a directory
$ tar xvfz tajo-x.x.x-desktop-x.x.tar.gz $ cd tajo-x.x.x-desktop-x.x
3.2. Configure Set JAVA_HOME, Tajo directories and heap memory size.
$ bin/configure.sh
3.3. Startup Start Tajo master and worker(s).
$ bin/startup.sh
3.4. Load sample data set (optional) The script below will create "tpc_h10m" database and 8 tables. Make sure that Tajo is up and running to run this command.
$ bin/make-test.sh
3.5. Run Tajo command-line shell "TSQL"
$ bin/tsql Try ? for help. default>
Shutdown $ bin/shutdown.sh
For more information on Tajo, refer to Apache Tajo site (http://tajo.apache.org).