Get your personal OKRs ready: wrkplay (pun very intended) enables you to brag over your office games performance. A way more interesting way to 1-on-1.
After cloning the repository:
docker compose up -d
The following commanda will seed 100 random users to the table users
yarn setup:db
This will spin up a local postgres database and required services.
yarn setup:env
Refer to .env.template
for other environment variables.
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result!
When not in production mode, you will have direct access to log in as any user via a Dev Login
button on the front-end.
It is not possible to enable Slack to test how an OAuth2 workflow locally as slack blocks localhost
from being one of the allowed domains. You may, though, create a new branch and push any commits, which will be automatically deployed to the preview environment via Vercel.
We use Prisma to manage our database schema and migrations.
Should you make any changes to the schema, you can run the following command to update the database tables and columns accordingly:
yarn db:migrate:local --name <name>
where <name>
is a descriptive name of what was done in the migration in snake_case.
This repository follows Feature Branching. To contribute, please open a Pull Request with your proposed changes.