Practice your skills in GIT while developing a typical website.
Each student works on a different file, for a different part of the website and the most senior can work as Team Leader (for integration and deployment). The Html-Template-Engine library will take care of putting all the pieces together.
The Team Leader should fork this repository on and invite other collaborators to the repo.
Pick what website you want to build.
Each contributor will have to clone the new forked repository and develop one piece of the website you have chosee, each project is divided in pieces inside its templates/ directory.
When each team member finishes, they have to commit and push to the forked repository.
In order to watch the website live run the following command:
$ npx browser-sync start -s -w
Use Vercel, Netlify or Github pages to deploy the website to the team URL (for example:
Everyone delivers the same repo as solution.
The Html-Template-Engine library is being used as template engine for building the landing page.
echo "# 4geeks-clase5" >> git init git add git commit -m "first commit" git branch -M master git remote add origin git push -u origin master
git remote add origin git branch -M master git push -u origin master