An easy setup pi script to create an Access Point out of a Raspberry Pi with Ethernet shared internet connection, and to inspect the traffic going across it.
- Start with a fresh "noobs" or Raspbian desktop and connect to the internet with either Wifi or Ethernet (Note: wifi will no longer be available post-script)
- run
sudo ./
- Restart the pi for best results, but it should be good to connect to
Quick view in full verbosity
tcpdump -vvv -i br0
View packets larger than 1024 bytes
tcpdump -vvv -i br0 -nn greater 1024
Filter out traffic from a noisy host
tcpdump -i eth0 not host
Write to file
tcpdump -w mytcpdumpoutput
Read from file
tcpdump -r ./mytcpdumpoutput
Filter udp traffic
tcpdump udp port 53
Filter traffic between two hosts
tcpdump host and host