APoD eXplorer is an interactive exploration platform to visualise large image collections. In particlar, we visualise here the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day image collection (~8000 images).
Several interfaces are proposed to explore the collection:
- a content-based recommendation interface,
- a timeline interface (one per year),
- a hierarchical and graph-based hybrid structure exploration interface.
APoD eXplorer has been developed during my PhD, entitled Interactive, incremental and multi-level exploration of large collections of images. This PhD has been defended in November the 22nd, 2016 in the University François-Rabelais of Tours.
APoD eXplorer can be tested online in my homepage: http://frederic.rayar.free.fr/apod/.
APoD eXplorer has been developed with web technologies, namely HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Third-party librairies are AngularJS, Linkurious.js and Timeline.js