This is a repository to version control a friend's server setup.
The following containers are being run:
- hotio/sonarr - Management and automation of TV Show downloading.
- hotio/radarr - Management and automation of Movie downloading.
- hotio/unpackerr - Very nice container to handle compressed archives cleanly.
- hotio/jackett - API Support for my trackers, to provide content to Sonarr and Radarr.
- autobrr/autobrr - Get releases within seconds from IRC Announce Channels, and pass to Sonarr.
- traefik:latest - Official Traefik container, reverse proxy to expose services over TLS using Let's Encrypt in a far simpler way than nginx (imo).
- linuxserver/qbittorrent - Got fed up Transmission 4.0 slow speeds, and switched to qBittorent.
- linuxserver/duplicati - A Duplicati container, flexible and easy to use system which backs up files to the cloud.
- linuxserver/plex - Plex for PS5 AR Glasses.
- bobokun/qbit_manage - Very helpful program to cleanup qBitorrent torrents.
- qmcgaw/gluetun - Great VPN container that supports easy Wireguard config.
- portainer/portainer - Official Portainer image, used for docker cluster management.
- emby/embyserver:beta - Official Emby beta container.
- containrrr/watchtower - Official Watchtower image to update containers.
- cloudflare-ddns - Keep that IP address up-to-date!
- home-assistant - Home Assistant for home automation.
This config uses a docker .env file, which contains all the variables found in the docker-compose.yml