Date: Dec 2, 2020 Name: Francisco Belliard
Purpose: Rent out vehicles to clients.
Case Study Description
A company called Reliable Rentals rents out vehicles at different outlets (locations/sites). Each outlet has a number, address, phone number and a fax number. Each site is allocated a stock of vehicles for hire. The registration number uniquely identifies each vehicle for hire and is used when hiring a vehicle to a client.
Clients may hire vehicles for various periods of time. Each individual hire agreement between a client and the Company is uniquely identified using a hire number. Information stored on the vehicles for hire include: the vehicle registration number, model, make, engine size, capacity, current mileage, daily hire rate, and the current location (outlet) of each vehicle. The data stored on clients includes the client number (unique identifier), name (first and last name), home address, phone number, date of birth, and driving license number.
The data stored on a hire agreement includes: the hire number, the client’s number, name, address, and phone number, date the client started the hire period, date the client wishes to terminate the hire period, the vehicle registration number, model and make, the mileage before and after the hire period. Finally, information is stored on the staff based at various outlets including: staff number, name (first and last name), home address, home phone number, date of birth (DOB), sex, date joined the Company, job title, and salary. Each staff member is associated with a single outlet.
a. Identify the relations or entity types.
- Client(clientNo, fName, lName, address, phoneNo, DOB, dLicenseNo).
- Staff(staffNo, fName, lName, address, phoneNo, DOB, sex, jobTitle, dateHired, salary, outletNo).
- Outlet(outletNo, address, phoneNo, faxNo, staffNo,)
- Vehicle(regNo, make, model, engineSize, capacity, currentMileage, dailyRate, outletNo)
- HireAgreement(hireNo, clientNo, fName,lName, rentalStarted, returnBy, startMileage, endMileage, regNo)
b. Identify the relationship types as well as their participation and cardinality
- Outlet has Staff
- Outlet is allocated Vehicles
- A Client signs a Hire Agreement
- Each Hire agreement is for a Vehicle
Fig 1. Individual entities and their respective relationships.
Fig 1.1 Connected ER-Diagram to show entity relationships.
- Outlet is allocated Vehicles
- An outlet is allocated vehicles (1..*)
- A vehicle is allocated to an outlet (1..1)
- Outlet has Staff
- An outlet has one or more staff members (1..*)
- A staff member is assigned to a an outlet (1..1)
- A Client signs a Hire Agreement
- A client signs one or more hire agreements (1..*)
- A hire agreement is signed by a client (1..1)
- Each Hire agreement is for a Vehicle
- A hire agreement is for a vehicle (1..1)
- A vehicle can either have a hire agreement or not (0..1)
Fig 1.2 Individual entities and their cardinality constraints.
Fig. 1.3 Entities and their relationships along with their respective cardinality constraints.
c. Identify the attributes associated to the previous entity or relationship types.
Client(clientNo, fName, lName, address, phoneNo, DOB, dLicenseNo).
- clientNo: a single-valued attribute to hold the client number
- fName: a single-valued attribute to hold the clients first name.
- lName: a single-valued attribute to hold the clients last name.
- address: a single-valued attribute to hold the client addressD
- phone: a single-valued attribute to hold the client phone number.
- DOB: a single-valued attribute to hold the client date of birth.
- dLicenseNo: a single-valued attribute to hold the client driver license number.
Staff(staffNo, fName, lName, address, phoneNo, DOB, sex, jobTitle, dateHired, salary, outletNo).
- staffNo: a single-valued attribute to hold the staff number
- fName: a single-valued attribute to hold the staff member first name.
- lName: a single-valued attribute to hold the staff member last name.
- address: a single-valued attribute to hold the staff member addressD
- phone: a single-valued attribute to hold the staff member phone number.
- DOB: a single-valued attribute to hold the staff member date of birth.
- sex: single-valued attribute to hold the staff members sex.
- jobTitle: single-valued attribute to hold the staff job title.
- dateHired: singled-valued attribute to hold the date the staff member was hired.
- salary: single-valued attribute to hold the staff members salary.
- outletNo: single-valued attribute to hold the outlet the staff member is assigned to.
Outlet(outletNo, address, phoneNo, faxNo, staffNo,)
- outletNo: a single-valued attribute to hold the outlet number.
- address: a single-valued attribute to hold the outlet address.
- phoneNo: a single-valued attribute to hold the outlet phone number.
- faxNo: a single-valued attribute to hold the outlet fax number.
- staffNo: a single-valued attribute to hold the staff number assigned to that outlet.
Vehicle(regNo, make, model, engineSize, capacity, currentMileage, dailyRate, outletNo)
- regNo: a single-valued attribute to hold the vehicle registration number.
- make: a single-valued attribute to hold the vehicle make.
- model: a single-valued attribute to hold the vehicle model.
- engineSize: a single-valued attribute to hold the vehicle engine size.
- capacity: a single-valued attribute to hold the vehicle capacity.
- currentMileage: a single-valued attribute to hold the vehicle's current mileage.
- dailyRate: a single-valued attribute to hold the vehicle's daily rental rate.
- outletNo: a single-valued attribute to hold the outlet the vehicle belongs to.
HireAgreement(hireNo, clientNo, fName,lName, rentalStarted, returnBy, startMileage, endMileage, regNo)
- hireNo: a single-valued attribute to hold the hire number.
- clientNo: a single-valued attribute to hold the client number.
- fName: a single-valued attribute to hold the clients first name.
- lName: a single-valued attribute to hold the clients last name.
- rentalStarted: a single-valued attribute to hold the rental start date.
- returnBy: a single-valued attribute to hold the rental return date.
- startMileage: a single-valued attribute to hold the rental start mileage.
- endMileage: a single-valued attribute to hold the rental end mileage.
- regNo: a single-valued attribute to hold the vehicle registration number assigned to the hire agreement.
Fig 1.4 Individual entities and their attributes
d. Determine candidate and primary key attributes of entity types.
Strong Entity Types:
- Client(clientNo, fName, lName, address, phoneNo, DOB, dLicenseNo).
- Primary key: client No
- Candidate key: clientNo, dLicenseNo
- Staff(staffNo, fName, lName, address, phoneNo, DOB, sex, jobTitle, dateHired, salary, outletNo).
- Primary key: staffNo
- Candidate key: staffNo, outletNo
- Outlet(outletNo, address, phoneNo, faxNo, staffNo,)
- Primary key: outletNo
- Candidate key: outletNo, staffNo
- Vehicle(regNo, make, model, engineSize, capacity, currentMileage, dailyRate, outletNo)
- Primary key: regNo
- Candidate key: regNo, outletNo
- HireAgreement(hireNo, clientNo, fName,lName, rentalStarted, returnBy, startMileage, endMileage, regNo)
- Primary key: hireNo
- Candidate key: regNo, clientNo, regNo
Weak Entity Types:
- None
a. Derive relations from the conceptual model.
Fig. 2.1 Logical data model with foreign keys
b. Validate the logical model using normalization to 3NF.
Tables defined in conceptual model:
1NF (Flattening the UNF Table
- Client(clientNo, fName, lName, address, phoneNo, DOB, dLicenseNo).
- Staff(staffNo, fName, lName, address, phoneNo, DOB, sex, jobTitle, dateHired, salary, outletNo).
- Outlet(outletNo, address, phoneNo, faxNo, staffNo,)
- Vehicle(regNo, make, model, engineSize, capacity, currentMileage, dailyRate, outletNo)
- HireAgreement(hireNo, clientNo, fName,lName, rentalStarted, returnBy, startMileage, endMileage, regNo)
Functional Dependancies
- clientNo —> fName, lName, address, phoneNo, DOB, dLicense (Full)
- clientNo —> dLicense (candidate key)
- staffNo —> fName, lName, address, phoneNo, DOB, sex, jobTitle, dateHired, salary, outletNo (Full)
- outletNo —> address, phoneNo, faxNo, staffNo
- regNo —> make, model, engineSize, capacity, currentMileage, dailyRate, outletNo (Full)
- hireNo —> clientNo, fName,lName, rentalStarted, returnBy, startMileage, endMileage, regNo (Full)
2NF (Remove partial dependancies)
- No Partial dependancies found.
3NF (Remove transitive dependancies)
- No transitive dependancies found.
c. Define integrity constraints:
i. Primary key constraints.
- all primary keys must be an integer and cannot be NULL
ii. Referential integrity / Foreign key constraints.
- For tables: Client, Staff, Outlet, and Vehicle, the foreign key must be an integer and cannot be NULL
- For the HireAgreement table the foreign key regNo, linking the Vehicle table with this one, can be NULL since the a vehicle either has a hire agreement or doesn't.
iii. General constraints. (if any)
- Registration numbers must be unique (likely PK)
- Client rental start date must be < end date and > current date
- Rental end date must be > current date
- Hire numbers must be unique (likely PK)
- Engine size must be either: 2L, 4L, 6L
- Capacity must be either: 2 seats, 4 seats, 6 seats
- Current mileage cannot exceed 100K miles
- Daily hire rate must be ≥ $5
- DOB must have a year ≥ 1995 (i.e age is at least 25)
- Sex must be either male or female
- Job title must be either: Sales Rep, Manager, Finance Rep, Customer Service Rep
- Salary must be at least 45K but ≤ 100K
a. Develop SQL code to create the entire database schema, reflecting the constraints identified in previous steps.
CREATE table Outlet
outletNo int not null,
address varchar(50) not null,
phoneNo varchar(50) not null,
faxNo varchar(50) not null,
PRIMARY KEY (outletNo)
clientNo int not null PRIMARY KEY,
fName varchar(50) not null,
lName varchar(50) not null,
address varchar(50) not null,
phoneNo varchar(50) not null,
dob date not null,
check ( dob < to_date('17-dec-1995') ),
dLicenseNo varchar(50) not null
staffNo int not null,
fName varchar(50) not null,
lName varchar(50) not null,
address varchar(50) not null,
phoneNo varchar(50) not null,
dob date not null,
check ( dob < to_date('17-dec-2002') ),
sex varchar(2),
jobTitle varchar(50) not null,
dateHired date not null,
salary int not null,
check ( salary between 45000 and 100000),
outletNo int not null,
constraint outletno
foreign key (outletNo) references Outlet
regNo int not null
constraint vehicle_pk
primary key,
make varchar(50),
model varchar(50),
engineSize varchar(50),
check ( engineSize in ('2l','4l','6l') ),
capacity int,
check ( capacity between 2 and 6),
currentMileage int,
check ( currentMileage <= 100000 ),
dailyRate int,
check ( dailyRate between 4 and 50),
outletNo int not null,
foreign key (outletNo) references Outlet
CREATE TABLE HireAgreement
hireNo integer primary key,
fName VARCHAR(50),
lName VARCHAR(50),
rentalStarted date,
check ( rentalStarted > TO_DATE('19-DEC-2020') ),
returnBy date,
startMileage INT,
endMileage INT,
regNo integer default NULL,
b. Create at least 5 tuples for each for each relation in your database.
insert into Outlet (outletNo, address, phoneNo, faxNo) values (1, '567 Bunker Hill Park', '354-601-0457', '443-469-4360');
insert into Outlet (outletNo, address, phoneNo, faxNo) values (2, '53 Leroy Avenue', '327-933-7767', '978-207-0119');
insert into Outlet (outletNo, address, phoneNo, faxNo) values (3, '5 Lerdahl Junction', '809-840-0039', '353-785-2119');
insert into Outlet (outletNo, address, phoneNo, faxNo) values (4, '682 Dwight Court', '201-567-4740', '524-240-2887');
insert into Outlet (outletNo, address, phoneNo, faxNo) values (5, '4932 Surrey Drive', '312-585-7907', '728-625-7215');
insert into Client (clientNo, fName, lName, address, phoneNo, DOB, dLicenseNo) values (1, 'Sibylle', 'Torbard', '68 Schmedeman Pass', '769-409-0265', '03-Jun-1990', '4636relb881');
insert into Client (clientNo, fName, lName, address, phoneNo, DOB, dLicenseNo) values (2, 'Gale', 'Ganley', '4 Dapin Plaza', '299-113-5344', '27-Oct-1987', '2953evvy547');
insert into Client (clientNo, fName, lName, address, phoneNo, DOB, dLicenseNo) values (3, 'Erinn', 'Lewry', '680 Golf Street', '675-699-9816', '29-Oct-1991', '2773okhr220');
insert into Client (clientNo, fName, lName, address, phoneNo, DOB, dLicenseNo) values (4, 'Jean', 'Chevin', '1838 Derek Terrace', '625-887-6472', '12-Apr-1984', '0849voay290');
insert into Client (clientNo, fName, lName, address, phoneNo, DOB, dLicenseNo) values (5, 'Olive', 'Laight', '3707 Forest Dale Road', '774-781-4903', '23-Nov-1981', '4293syxw940');
insert into Staff (staffNo, fName, lName, address, phoneNo, dob, sex, jobTitle, dateHired, salary, outletNo) values (1, 'Genevieve', 'Ormesher', '569 Summit Crossing', '163-934-0295', '31-May-1986', 'F', 'Quality Engineer', '15-Feb-2020', 77991, 1);
insert into Staff (staffNo, fName, lName, address, phoneNo, dob, sex, jobTitle, dateHired, salary, outletNo) values (2, 'Amos', 'Myring', '5 Crest Line Lane', '690-494-2203', '21-Oct-1991', 'M', 'Tax Accountant', '26-Jun-2020', 59798, 2);
insert into Staff (staffNo, fName, lName, address, phoneNo, dob, sex, jobTitle, dateHired, salary, outletNo) values (3, 'Deni', 'Kirsche', '39 Sundown Drive', '365-554-8022', '19-Sep-1990', 'F', 'Actuary', '27-Dec-2019', 73845, 3);
insert into Staff (staffNo, fName, lName, address, phoneNo, dob, sex, jobTitle, dateHired, salary, outletNo) values (4, 'Christyna', 'Kearford', '02982 Dixon Plaza', '752-342-5785', '05-May-1992', 'F', 'Software Consultant', '19-May-2020', 78074, 4);
insert into Staff (staffNo, fName, lName, address, phoneNo, dob, sex, jobTitle, dateHired, salary, outletNo) values (5, 'Valma', 'Bromilow', '1752 Paget Junction', '262-555-1575', '28-Aug-1981', 'F', 'Operator', '07-Mar-2020', 51837, 5);
insert into Vehicle (regNo, make, model, engineSize, capacity, currentMileage, dailyRate, outletNo) values (1, 'Audi', 'TT', '2l', 5, 35019, 29, 1);
insert into Vehicle (regNo, make, model, engineSize, capacity, currentMileage, dailyRate, outletNo) values (2, 'Eagle', 'Vision', '2l', 4, 39441, 44, 2);
insert into Vehicle (regNo, make, model, engineSize, capacity, currentMileage, dailyRate, outletNo) values (3, 'Geo', 'Prizm', '2l', 6, 26925, 44, 3);
insert into Vehicle (regNo, make, model, engineSize, capacity, currentMileage, dailyRate, outletNo) values (4, 'Pontiac', 'G6', '2l', 4, 24049, 44, 4);
insert into Vehicle (regNo, make, model, engineSize, capacity, currentMileage, dailyRate, outletNo) values (5, 'Toyota', 'Tercel', '2l', 6, 28147, 34, 5);
insert into HireAgreement (hireNo, fName, lName, rentalStarted, returnBy, startMileage, endMileage, regNo) values (1, 'Cadillac', 'Escalade EXT', '27-May-2020', 2020-02-19 07:00:00 UTC, 23731, 49973, 1);
insert into HireAgreement (hireNo, fName, lName, rentalStarted, returnBy, startMileage, endMileage, regNo) values (2, 'Infiniti', 'M', '06-Jun-2020', 2020-03-27 06:27:08 UTC, 25619, 47167, 2);
insert into HireAgreement (hireNo, fName, lName, rentalStarted, returnBy, startMileage, endMileage, regNo) values (3, 'Buick', 'Century', '15-Sep-2020', 2020-05-09 03:04:33 UTC, 22488, 44008, 3);
insert into HireAgreement (hireNo, fName, lName, rentalStarted, returnBy, startMileage, endMileage, regNo) values (4, 'Volkswagen', 'Touareg', '27-May-2020', 2020-04-27 05:08:21 UTC, 24660, 31353, 4);
insert into HireAgreement (hireNo, fName, lName, rentalStarted, returnBy, startMileage, endMileage, regNo) values (5, 'Infiniti', 'M', '01-Feb-2020', 2020-07-30 11:23:29 UTC, 24876, 49189, 5);
c. Develop 5 SQL queries using embedded SQL (see Python tutorial).
d. Upload all the code to GitHub. located in the final project folder